Neckrubs become a more regular part of Bella's life. And she does not tell him to stop until she is good and done. There is hugging. There is snuggling. There is kissing. There are some impressively sappy looks from his end, some fascinated mindreading from hers. The semester wraps up, Bella goes home for a week, and she comes back (now signed up for Utility Psionics 2, Intro to Mental Healing, Arcane Defense, Intro Cognition, and her survival credit, a lecture entitled "Wilderness Triage" (subtitled: Quick And Dirty Mechanisms For Identifying The Lesser Of Several Evils).
She missed Celo! She seeks him out at once. Hugs.
She missed Celo! She seeks him out at once. Hugs.
That's okay, they're gonna get impatient all by themselves.
They hold out three days, and then Cam and Amariah talk, and determine that while Cam might be "the diplomatic one" (as Bells go), this is reasonably likely to come to violence or at least a pissing contest, and Amariah's credentials there are better.
And, it goes unsaid but acknowledged - Amariah has done the great work on her world. Her people are, in the main, taken care of. Jane doesn't metaphysically depend on her, either.
Amariah could - if it came to it - be most easily spared of the available Bells.
Path is left in Aether's room. And Celo is asked for an introduction.
They hold out three days, and then Cam and Amariah talk, and determine that while Cam might be "the diplomatic one" (as Bells go), this is reasonably likely to come to violence or at least a pissing contest, and Amariah's credentials there are better.
And, it goes unsaid but acknowledged - Amariah has done the great work on her world. Her people are, in the main, taken care of. Jane doesn't metaphysically depend on her, either.
Amariah could - if it came to it - be most easily spared of the available Bells.
Path is left in Aether's room. And Celo is asked for an introduction.
Celo leads her to Callahan's office, knocks on the door, and enters at the "C'mon in."
Callahan's office has a desk, upon which she has put her feet, and a comfortable-ish chair, upon which she has put her ass, and four walls, upon which she has put an impressive array of implements for causing people to die in battle.
Callahan's office has a desk, upon which she has put her feet, and a comfortable-ish chair, upon which she has put her ass, and four walls, upon which she has put an impressive array of implements for causing people to die in battle.
"I had some hope that you'd tell me if I asked you nicely. Will you please tell me what it is that you know about - us?"
"The local Bell was very clear on considering annoying local gods a bad idea."
(She was also clear on considering talking to Callahan a bad idea, but.)
(She was also clear on considering talking to Callahan a bad idea, but.)
"This isn't a good place for a Bell. It's stunted her growth. I don't think she's going to do anything interesting without help. She's met more of her now and she's still - showing up to classes, talking about being a mental healer when she grows up."