"I think some do. They're not a major part of Pax cuisine. I never have. Why?"
"Is there a reason you're curious about dolphins and whales in particular?"
"Why are you asking about dolphins and whales and not - seals, octopuses, penguins, sharks, jellyfish?"
"I don't know about penguins. Everything else on the list I think is eaten by some humans."
"Are you saying dolphins and whales are people?" Bella asks. "That's not common knowledge among humans, if true; I certainly didn't know it."
"I would expect to know it if lots of humans knew it. I suppose a handful of humans could know it and not be publicizing the information and then I wouldn't have found out. I really doubt that the humans who eat the whales and dolphins know they're eating people, although I could be mistaken."
"Inattentive, perhaps," suggests Bella. "If I go near enough a dolphin or a whale should I expect to sense its mind with subtle arts? Do they speak a regular language of some kind? Do they do magic, tell stories, have names?"