The party is now over; Marianne and Howard never returned to it. But they can be caught up on any details they'd like to know. At some point. When they reemerge.
Bella sets the Janepoint in the front entrance hall, on a pedestal in a corner.
"Hello, Marianne," says Bella. She is in the new library with Carinna, alternating between reading and explaining to her eldest that if she's going to carry triangles around with her she will have to be responsible with them.
"Thank you," says Bella, and she closes her book, picks up Carinna, and goes out to the Skyvault.
She shakes hands with the one that isn't carrying his grandchild. "It's nice to meet you."
"I've got the notes around somewhere if you'd like a look! Kanim helped, too. It was mostly sorcery, and a touch of unicorn magic."
Glass laughs, makes a square, and calls her notebooks about the subject over; she sets Carinna down. She flips through the pages. "See, here, there was this gap, where the sorcery was perfectly happy to assemble the material and perfectly happy to make sure it went where it was going and grew there, but it wouldn't bridge the gap between the two, it couldn't cover it, without the unicorn part we spliced in this would basically amount to guaranteeing more traditional conception and obviously in our case that didn't help."
"Me, but Kanim was the one who first noticed there was a gap, he was trying to fix it with elf magic but the unicorn idea turned out to be more elegant."
"Oh, yes, Tony made me one before I even married Sherlock, but she's still working on hers, she's trying to get it to fly without a cape attached and can't make it work."
"She's made other things in the interim, too, and sometimes the girls go into the forge and poke hot scrap metal - they do the same thing with me and my workshop and hot glass, there are abstract little ornaments all over the place that they presented to us or to Marianne."