"Do you tend to have much call to be armored, if you avoid everyone before you could get into a fight with them even if they were unfriendly?"
"It is always possible I might detect someone or something I would prefer to intercept."
"Like what, a wizard? I'd expect wizards to mostly be terrified to come into the Enchanted Forest, let alone as deep as this. Have you been having elf trouble or something that I've not heard of?"
"Fair enough. Ever-vigilant warrior princess. So Tony forges armor, Sherlock wears it, that seems very tidy."
"Only if you represent a threat to Tony, the royal family as a whole, or this forest. Otherwise no."
"I do not represent a threat to any of those persons or political entities," says Bella serenely. "I am just a magician who magics magic magically. And quite harmlessly."
Gosh! This wizard over there about fifty yards off on a course that's likely to meet theirs perpendicularly actually has nothing to do with that, but what a coincidence!
"Oh dear," says Bella. She starts rummaging in her sleeves. "I do not actually have anything on me to counter a wizard if he decides to be unfriendly - I don't expect them in the forest - I might be able to talk my way past him if you'd rather not get into a fight, though."
"All right, then I won't attempt to distract him by conspicuously saying something incorrect about Zemenar's Third Principle and then paying rapt attention when he corrects me."
The wizard does not see them coming until they're nearly on top of him.
The wizard jumps a foot in the air, scrambles back for a bit of distance, and says, "Well! That's a mightily prejudiced attitude! And entitled, too!"