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extradimensional space
Permalink Mark Unread
Here is a house.

It is pretty and trim and green-and-cream and really ought not to be able to hold itself up like that, and yet here it is, somehow defying the laws of architecture. It is surrounded by a neatly bordered garden of ornamental and useful plants of all sorts: here vegetables, there herbs, there spell components, there rows of flowers.

There is a sign out front. It says only: Magic. Not, Beware, Magic or Magic Emporium or anything like that. Just: Magic.

Sitting on top of this sign is a cream cat with smoke-dark points of color on each paw, his ears, and his face and tail.

All in all, you could be forgiven for thinking that a witch lives here.
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"Sherry, look," says the voice of a gleeful teenager from amidst the trees, "we found a witch's house, Sherry!"

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"That we did," agrees a second voice. "Let us go in and ask about her sign."

The owners of the voices appear a moment later. The one in front is wearing a close-fitting and well-articulated set of plate armour, with a plain-hilted sword belted around her waist; the one behind is wearing a very durable-looking red dress with short sleeves and a skirt to mid-calf, which displays her extremely practical and extremely attractive red leather boots to great effect, and carrying a massive pack on her back.
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The cat inspects them, then tilts his head expectantly. "Mrow?" he asks.

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The armoured twin addresses him.

"If you are not otherwise occupied, would you please be so kind as to announce us? I am Sherlock and this is Tony."
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The cat considers this request, deems it sufficiently polite, and makes a graceful leap off the sign and saunters in through the cat-flap.

Presently, the entirety of the door opens, revealing a woman about the same age as the twins with brown hair a bit past her shoulders, curious brown eyes, and a slightly bewildering outfit. She has witch robes on, in traditional black - but they are worn open to reveal an outfit of blue leggings and a white tunic, and a wide variety of accessories, including seasonally inappropriate lace-up moccasins, a belt covered with pouches, and a necklace that features as its centerpiece a glass marble. "Hello there!" says this person. "Cricket says you're Sherlock and Tony; ought I be addressing you as Your Highnesses?"
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"Nah," says Tony. "Not unless you wanna. What's with the sign?"

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"Well," says the possible witch, "I could have been more specific, but then I would have been less accurate. Do you need some magic done or undone or looked at or theorized about or squealed over or combined with some other magic?"

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"Not especially," says Tony. "But if you want any of your magic squealed over, I'm game!"

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"Well, then, why don't you both come in and have some biscuits and limeade, and you can tell me what a pair of princesses are doing all the way out here?"

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"I think that is a great idea!" says Tony.

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Sherlock nods.

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"Biscuits will be out of the oven in a minute," says the maybe-a-witch, ushering them inside. "Limeade is available immediately." Maybewitch opens a cupboard, flicks a pitcher full of green liquid three times, and supervises as further pouring and serving carries itself out automatically.


"You've come a long way. What are you looking for, and have you already tried asking a squirrel for directions?"
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"Mom wants us to find a husband and/or husbands," says Tony. "Ooh, limeade."

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"The last squirrel we tried pointed us this way, but was either unable or disinclined to direct us further."

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"Husbands, husbands," says Maybe-a-witch, tapping her chin. "I don't think I have a window that will do husbands. Not my area. I have one that will do lost tailors and tinkers and merchants' sons and the like? Generally I just find them and see if I can help them find what they're looking for and get home without incident, but I bet several of them would be the sort to be pleasantly surprised by eligible princesses, if you're so inclined."

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"You're a very helpful person," Sherlock observes.

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"How do you know? Perhaps I am intimidated by princessitude and want you to think highly of me. Perhaps I'm a romantic of some sort and would be completely worthless to you if you were in search of the Spring of Crystal. Perhaps I am bored and you present a diversion," she says.

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"You exhibit helpfulness," she says. "You are helpful. The alternate theories you propose do not explain my observations as well as mine."

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"All right then," she laughs. Her oven opens itself, and she gets up to don oven mitts and remove a sheet of biscuits therefrom. "Here we are." She puts one on each of three plates, cuts them in half, and dollops butter on each half. "What are you looking for in a husband or husbands, anyway?"

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"Sense," says Sherlock.

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"Looking good in a crown: also a plus," says Tony.

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"Admirable criteria. I'm not sure how much my lost-people window will help, unless you're planning to stay in this general area for some weeks. They are not that frequent, and when they appear, they are sometimes short on sense. Also, about half of them are female. No comment on whether they'd look good in crowns. I suspect it might depend on the crown."

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"You'd look good in a crown," Tony observes.

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"Do you think so?" asks maybe-a-witch, who has managed to go for a rather long time without realizing that she needs to introduce herself now. "For cosmetic purposes, quite possibly! And yet my parents do not qualify me."

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"There's ways around that," she says cheerfully.

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"You said husbands," says maybe-a-witch. "And I like the Enchanted Forest, I don't want to go marry the princess of Linderwall or wherever; I imagine they'd oblige me to live there."

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"Did I say I wanted to marry you? I did not say I wanted to marry you! But yuo'd totally look good in a crown. And you've got sense."

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"Tony is flirting," Sherlock translates. "And Tony's flirting is not principally matrimonial in nature."

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"I didn't say she wanted to marry me," Maybe-a-witch points out to Sherlock, "I'm just ruling out all the candidates for Ways Around Being Unqualified To Wear A Crown and two of them are in my house, ruling themselves out. Since I've already decided against violent conquest, you see."

And she turns to Tony. "Yes," she says gravely. "I do indeed have sense."
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"...Not to speak to the likelihood of such an event," says Sherlock, "but technically the need to find a suitable future monarch-consort and the need to find someone to create suitable future monarchs with are separate items that could be dealt with separately. And there are two of us."

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"Duly noted!"

And she bites into her biscuit.

"But," she says, "why is there a need to find the first thing, if we consider the second potentially unrelated? Do you two not particularly like monarching?"
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"Monarching is boring," says Tony. "I take after Dad; I'd rather drink, flirt, and tinker with magic artifacts."

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"Oooh, magic artifacts," says she-who-has-not-yet-been-asked-for-her-name. "What kind of artifacts?"

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"Please tell me you've heard of the Skyvault," says Tony. "Otherwise I might have to take away your 'Magic' sign."

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"Of course I've heard of the Skyvault," says she-of-the-"Magic"-sign dreamily. "If I thought arbitrary visitors were allowed I'd have hiked all the way to the castle just to look at it."

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Tony laughs. "You can come to the castle and look at it if you want!"

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"Will I be allowed to touch it - get a really good look?" asks maybe-a-witch, bouncing in her chair. "Or does it repel people who aren't members of the family, or something?"

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"You can't mess with it," she cautions. "I mean, no casting spells on it, no hitting it with sticks. But you can walk up and stare at it to your heart's content."

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"And can I wear my funky magic-seeing glasses while I look?" she says. She leans over and opens a drawer and gets them out; they're black metal and multicolored lenses that can drop down in front of the wearer's eyes in arbitrary combinations. "Some big enchantments are shy and don't like it when I do that."

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"The arch isn't really an enchantment," says Tony. "It's a... well, anyway. Funky magic-seeing glasses are fine. How do they work?"

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"Oh, I'm very proud of these! They're something like window enchantments actually - the easiest way to do something new is to pivot from something that already works; you wouldn't believe the thousand ways you can modify the average dragon spell - this lens here actually borrows from a bit of wizard magic, although I was very careful to source its power ethically, I have dragon friends - and this lens does sorceress-sight, and this is my very best attempt at turning fire-witch item-reading into a visual format that someone who's not a fire-witch can use - and this one is a unicorn spell, originally designed for use on pools, but glass is so receptive, it'll take almost anything I can think of to throw at it, I love glass - and these two lenses are both elven, but this one is boosted with some squirrelish properties, wasn't that a trick, took me weeks to figure out, that's to make it easier to trace a complex bit of magic I'm looking at - this one and that one are both witchcraft, but this one is with-cat and that one is without-cat, I could go on about the differences that makes all day -"

Maybe she is not a witch.
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Of course she isn't.

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"That," says Tony, "is awesome."

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She grins.

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"So the Skyvault's not shy, then?"

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"Excellent! Let's see, it'll probably take four days to get there, longer if I bring Cricket, but it's possible I can get a ride from Kexan and then it's down to hours, but Kexan won't have the patience to watch me stare at it for hours so I'll still have to plan to hike back..." She puts her spectacles back in their drawer, closes the drawer, opens it to reveal not spectacles but a stack of notebooks and a heap of pens, and starts writing.

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"A dragon friend. He can occasionally be convinced to fly me places if I ply him with sufficient pancakes."

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"What volume of pancakes does he consider sufficient?"

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"It's a truly ridiculous number, and he also likes there to be a variety of kinds, but it takes less than four days to make that many," laughs why-has-no-one-asked-for-her-name-yet-it's-not-going-to-occur-to-her.

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"I volunteer to assist in creating pancakes," says Sherlock.

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"Well, he needs them hot, and it may not be convenient for him to come over for the next day or two, so you could help me with some of the prep work if you'd like to, but the finished pancakes themselves just sort of get continuously tossed into his mouth over a three-hour period as they come off the griddle, and none of this is relevant to your quest so I wouldn't expect you to still be here."

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"...No," says Tony, "see, I will take you to see the Skyvault. Is what I meant."

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"Oh!" Pause. "I don't understand! You're busy and Kexan knows where the castle is!"

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"You want to see the Skyvault. I think you're cute, so I want to show you the Skyvault. If you just show up there on a dragon, Mom might decide not to let you look at the Skyvault."

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"Oh. And that would be a terrible pity." Beat. "All right, should I call Kexan right now and mix up pancake batter and pack or - I don't know what your questing schedule looks like."

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"Our questing schedule is completely whim-based," Tony assures her.

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Not-witch flies into action. She opens a cupboard, sharply informs a mixing bowl that "pancakes!", goes through her back door to a bedroom and starts stuffing changes of clothes and toiletries down her sleeves while the mixing bowl collects other implements and ingredients, comes back into the kitchen, closes the door and opens it to an alcove with a magic mirror, and says, "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, I would like to make a call."

"What party are you calling, please?"


"One moment, please." The mirror plays soft music and Not-witch goes to survey her pancake ingredients. She picks up a paring knife and an apple and tells the knife, "Peel, core, slice, neatly, then move on to the next, repeat four times," and then she starts scooping large amounts of flour into her giant mixing bowl. "Do you want to chop up the chocolate or something?" she asks Sherlock.
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She supplies Sherlock with a cutting board, a non-enchanted chef's knife, and a bar of dark chocolate. She then sets blueberries to a regimen of self-rinsing, adds sugar and baking powder and a handful of bran, and gets eggs out of the same cupboard that until recently appeared to hold a pitcher of limeade. "Hmmmhmmhmm," she hums. "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, what's the status of my call?"

"The other party has not yet come to his or her mirror. Please wait."

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"Oh well," says Tony. "More pancakes for us, right?"

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"Three humans can make a reasonable dent in a portion intended for a greedy dragon, although I'd be inclined to put everything away except the apple slices and just dip those in honey, if Kexan's not going to answer the mirror. Mirror, mirror, over there, have you a message you can share?"

"The other party has not left a message."

"Hmm." She snaps her fingers. "Oh, I remember! Kexan's visiting his uncle, all week. I wrote that down but I didn't think to check my notes. Drat." She flicks the paring knife; it finishes apple number two and then sets itself down.
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"So, no chocolate," says Sherlock. "All right."

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"Yes, sorry." Notwitch starts snapping her fingers imperiously at all the implements, and they put themselves away. The still-dry pancake mix finds itself a lid and tucks itself into a cupboard. "It looks like it's a hiking trip after all. Will Her Majesty also not let me look at the Skyvault if I arrive not-on-a-dragon?"

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"The dragon is not significant. The presence or absence of another member of the royal family is. We are each capable of showing you the Skyvault on our own authority."

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"Well, it seems like it would put you much farther out of your way to hike there with me for four days. I have this awful phobia of brooms ever since a temperamental one kicked me off of it, and I'm still saving up to order a carpet to enchant..."

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"Do not consider it going out of our way," says Sherlock. "That would imply far too much planning and coordination on our part."

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"So when you said you were looking for - no, come to think of it, you didn't, you said Her Majesty wanted you to look for husbands. Ah-ha."

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"Let us say that if I were to look into the Pool of Heart's Desire, I do not think I would see a suitable husband looking back at me."

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"You know, I do actually know where that one is. The window I mentioned showed me someone who needed to find it, last year. What do you think you'd see?"

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"I have no idea. But a husband would not be it."

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"Not even an unsuitable one?"

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"Not even that."

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Notwitch giggles. "I had a look in the pool once. It's pretty useless to me. I already know what things I want, and it doesn't dispense advice on getting them."

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"What did it show you?"

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"Well," says Notwitch. "It doesn't give you a complete rundown of everything you want - just the most indispensable heartfelt desire. Which is another reason it's not that practically useful. But since you're curious - I got a picture of me sitting in my study, with Cricket on my lap and a book in my hands - and the calendar displaying a date some nine thousand years in the future."

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"Cat-inclusive immortality. Very nice."

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"Well, I'd miss him," says the not-a-witch. Cricket leaps to the table in front of her, purring. "Yes, I would, I'd miss you," she tells her cat. "I told you this when I got back from the pool then, don't you remember, silly creature."


"I love you too, Cricket."
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"Awwwwww," says Tony.

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"Mew," says Cricket to Tony.

"Be polite," says notwitch to Cricket. "Yes, I know she can't understand you, that doesn't make it less rude."
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"What'd he say?"

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"Are you sure you want the translation?"

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"He says you only think it's cute that I'd miss him if he died because you don't have a sufficient conception of nonhuman personhood. It wasn't phrased quite that gently, though."

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"What," she says, "no, the cute part is you saying 'I love you too'!"

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"He apologizes. Resentfully."

"Mrrow meow meow."

"He thinks you wouldn't think it was cute for me to tell him that I love him too if he were not a cat."
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"One, he's wrong. Again. Two, cute things are cuter when there is more fluffiness involved, I have graphs."

She grins.

"But apology accepted anyway."
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Cricket begins licking his paw, affecting unconcern.

"It's just as well no one has ever figured out how to persistently make their cats understood to other people," sighs not-a-witch.
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"She is completely serious about the graphs," Sherlock puts in. "We did research when we were six."

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"I am somewhat curious to see these graphs!"

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"They are at the castle! You can see them. At the castle," says Tony.

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"That sounds lovely," says she who has not yet been prompted for her name.

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Tony beams.

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"Well," she says, stuffing the not-yet-eaten biscuits and the contents of a cupboard apparently dedicated to leftovers into her capacious sleeves one by one, "I can be all packed for a four-day hike in just a few minutes. Cricket, d'you want to come?"


"All right, you stay vigilant about that gnome infestation, I'll be back in just over a week, you know how to get into the emergency kitty nibbles if you run out of mice and minnows." She scratches the back of Cricket's neck and he purrs at her, and she goes bustling around her house, disappearing things into her sleeves.
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"Okay," says Tony, "your professional opinion as a magic person - how easy is it to get a witch's-sleeves thing going on something that is not a sleeve and doesn't belong to a witch?"

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"Well," says the magic person, "there are degrees of not being a witch; how not-a-witch and what not-a-sleeve do you have in mind?" She packs a sack of oranges and then reopens that cabinet and takes some sampling jars. She also retrieves her spectacles, but these she puts in a pointed black hat she produces, rather than in either sleeve. "Hats are easy. Bags are doable. I could probably figure out how to do a wooden box, but it would be hard."

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"I keep trying it on bags," she says, "but it's not my natural medium and I get exactly nowhere."

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"What manner of not-witch are you? I know fire-witchery runs a little in the royal family, but you're not redheads, so you've probably only got a faint talent for it if any. Fire-witch, even a little bit of one, is easier to work with than completely nonmagical, though." She reaches into her hat, puts on her spectacles, flicks the lenses around, and peers at Tony.

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"We've got some fire-witch going on," she says. "I mostly use it in the forge, Sherry mostly doesn't use it at all."

She does indeed have some fire-witch going on, and she is also a member of the royal family of the Enchanted Forest. Those are definitely both true.
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"Hmm. Why a bag and not a sleeve or a hat?" Magic person flicks her lenses around some more. "I could sleeve you a hat."

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"I don't wear sleeves," she says. "Or hats. Hats get lost, sleeves catch fire."

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Magic person puts her spectacles back in her own hat and her hat back on her head. "Do you have a bag on you that you'd like worked on? I can poke at it while we travel."

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Tony offers up her - very full - backpack.

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"...I have to work on it while it's empty. I can start now, and then you can pack everything up when we're ready to start hiking, or we can start first and I can start when we've quit for the night, what's your preference?"

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"Hmm... start when we've quit for the night," she decides. "Less total packing and unpacking that way."

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Magic person nods. She flits about her house a bit more, putting things in her sleeves and a few of the more fragile items in her hat. "Do you want to go soon or not-so-soon?"

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"Soon," says Sherlock.

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Magic person tosses a few last minute things into her storage space. "Well, I'm set whenever you are," she says.

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Tony puts her bag back on.

"Good to go," she says.
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Sherlock starts for the door.

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The door obligingly leads to the outdoors.

When they are all outside, magic person snaps her fingers and says sternly to the doorknob, "Broom salesmen are not your friends, they cannot come in for just a minute, you will stay closed till I am back."

The doorknob wiggles a little in what might be an acknowledging fashion. Magic person pats it and sets out through the path that leads between her herbs and her vegetables.
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Sherlock takes the lead when they reach the forest.

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"Anything else I should peer at while I'm in the environs of the palace?" inquires magic person. "Other less famous fascinating magical artifacts, other adorable childhood graphical models of things?"

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"If Mom really likes you, she might let you look at the sword."

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Magic person looks like she might be about to swoon. "Tell me how to get her to like me, please?"

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"The ways of Mom are mysterious," says Tony. "Be nice to her offspring, employees and subjects, don't break anything that didn't need to be broken, and at least she probably won't dislike you."

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"I'm very nice," says magic person. "I wanna look at the sword." She sighs like she has been carrying on a long distance pen pal romance with the sword.

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"Are you sure looking at it is all you wanna do," snorts Tony.

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"Well, it probably won't let me touch it," she says. "Not comfortably, anyway. But I would really like to look at it."

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She laughs.

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"There are," says Sherlock, "ways around that."

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Magic person throws her head back and laughs. "Oh, this is the most amazing day," she says breathlessly.

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The twins laugh, too.

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"I know very little about royal magic, really, since it won't respond to me - I can look at it but not use it in any sort of spell, and there are so few books on it. I can't wait, I'm excited." There is a bounce to her step.

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"I have what you might call a royal sense of direction," says Sherlock, "but less success using it to accomplish practical effects."

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"My limited and rumor-based theoretical understanding probably can't help you very much, but I could try?" says magic person.

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"Thank you," says Sherlock. "Perhaps later."

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"Okay," says magic person agreeably. "So have you had an eventful whimsy-based quest that might or might not yield husbands so far?"

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"Not especially, no."

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"No? How long have you been at it?"

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"A week."

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"And you haven't run into any mischievous elves or lost panthers or would-be bandits or lost dukes' children from Kasselthwaite? I'm surprised."

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"I'm not."

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"Why not?"

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"Because when Sherry doesn't wanna meet anybody in the Enchanted Forest, she doesn't."

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"Really! Now how do you manage that?" inquires Bella, who will now be narrated with her name despite the fact that her traveling companions don't know it.

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"I go where they are not."

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"That seems logical, but how do you know where they won't be?"

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"It is obvious."

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"...Is this an obscure royal magic sense, or...?"

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"Near as anybody can tell, nope," says Tony. "She's just really good at noticing things. Not that the royal magic doesn't help."

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"Huh. You'd have to be extraordinarily good at noticing things to avoid running into anyone in a week's walk through the forest. And that's if the forest didn't decide to throw anybody at you a bit more forcefully than usual. If you were feeling so antisocial how come you came up to my house?"

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"Your house," says Sherlock, "was interesting. And there was that squirrel."

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"What exactly did you ask the squirrel for directions to?"

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"Someone interesting."

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Bella giggles. "I try to be that, yes."

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"You succeed."

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Bella is inestimably pleased by this compliment. "Cricket said you thought I was a witch."

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"Not for very long."

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"What gave me away?"

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Bella laughs. "Most people can go on thinking I'm a witch for a long time. Sorceress stuff isn't widely recognized, I have to adapt anything from fire-witches or elves or unicorns till it's unrecognizable, nobody expects a girl to use wizard magic in any form, and everybody uses a dragon spell or two. A witch could do most everything that's left over, and I do dress like one."

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"And yet," she says, "you are not a witch."

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"D'you know what I am?" Bella asks, grinning.

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"You are yourself."

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Bella giggles. "Of course I am. But there's a technical term for a student of all kinds of magic. I'm a magician."

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"There you are, then."

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"What else can you tell about me, Princess Observant?" inquires Bella brightly.

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"You're very cute."

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Bella laughs again. "Thank you. You are both also cute."

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"We know!"

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"Good! Self-knowledge. Important stuff."

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Tony laughs.

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"Are we going to be avoiding running into anybody on the hike to the castle, too?"

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"Do you prefer not to?"

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"I'm usually perfectly happy to encounter strangers, but on the other hand I don't know why you weren't."

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"I find them tedious most of the time, but it's not a strong preference."

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"Well, then," says Bella, "I suppose what I'd rather comes down to how well your status as interesting conversationalists holds up."

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"Do let us know."

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"What do the both of you do with your time apart from quest without much interest for one or more husbands?"

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"Tony made this armour," volunteers Sherlock.

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"It's nice armor."

Ah, an excuse to check Sherlock out. That's nice.
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"It's great," agrees Tony. "I'm proud."

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"Do you tend to have much call to be armored, if you avoid everyone before you could get into a fight with them even if they were unfriendly?"

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"It is always possible I might detect someone or something I would prefer to intercept."

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"Like what, a wizard? I'd expect wizards to mostly be terrified to come into the Enchanted Forest, let alone as deep as this. Have you been having elf trouble or something that I've not heard of?"

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"I don't have particular candidates in mind."

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"Fair enough. Ever-vigilant warrior princess. So Tony forges armor, Sherlock wears it, that seems very tidy."

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"Yup," says Tony. "I mean, I'd wear it too, but she's way scarier than I am."

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Bella looks assessingly at Sherlock. "Should I be scared of you?"

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"Only if you represent a threat to Tony, the royal family as a whole, or this forest. Otherwise no."

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"I do not represent a threat to any of those persons or political entities," says Bella serenely. "I am just a magician who magics magic magically. And quite harmlessly."

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"Then you need not fear me."

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"Excellent, I hate it when I have to fear stuff, especially traveling companions."

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She laughs.

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Did someone say "wizard"?
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Someone did! Someone did say 'wizard'!

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Gosh! This wizard over there about fifty yards off on a course that's likely to meet theirs perpendicularly actually has nothing to do with that, but what a coincidence!

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"Soon we will encounter a wizard," says Sherlock.

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"Oh dear," says Bella. She starts rummaging in her sleeves. "I do not actually have anything on me to counter a wizard if he decides to be unfriendly - I don't expect them in the forest - I might be able to talk my way past him if you'd rather not get into a fight, though."

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"Oh, but getting in fights with wizards is such fun."

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"Do you do it often?" inquires Bella.

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"Only when the opportunity presents itself."

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"All right, then I won't attempt to distract him by conspicuously saying something incorrect about Zemenar's Third Principle and then paying rapt attention when he corrects me."

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She chuckles.

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Bella allows herself to fall behind Sherlock a bit, and starts murmuring nervously to the marble strung around her neck as they approach the wizard

The wizard does not see them coming until they're nearly on top of him.
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"Hello," says Sherlock. "Please get out of my forest."

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The wizard jumps a foot in the air, scrambles back for a bit of distance, and says, "Well! That's a mightily prejudiced attitude! And entitled, too!"

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"It is inarguably my forest," she says, "and I would like you to get out of it."

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"You haven't even asked me what I'm doing here," sniffs the wizard.

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"I invite you to explain, but advise you to be brief about it."

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"Well, you see, I'm simply here to -" And with that he makes a break for it, running full-tilt through the trees in the direction he was originally headed.

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Sherlock studies his course for a moment, and then sets off at a slight angle.

She catches up half a minute later, drawing her sword on the way.

"Would you like to try that again?" she inquires.
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He brandishes his staff at her. "You leave me alone! This is harassment! Discrimination!"

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"This," says Sherlock, "is trespassing. And shortly it will be violence."

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"You'll regret not leaving me to go on my way!" exclaims the wizard, and he shakes his staff again, but this time it pours chill into the air, frosting the surrounding trees and Sherlock alike.

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That is quite enough for Sherlock, who steps forward and swings her sword at his neck.

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Apparently he was expecting the frost to do more to stop a part-fire-witch than that, because he has nothing further up his sleeve - in his staff - whatever - he's dead now.

Meanwhile, Bella is wondering aloud to Tony: "Should we catch up with her and see if she needs help?"
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"Probably," Tony agrees, and traces Sherlock's path.

Although Sherlock is not doing anything more out of the ordinary than cleaning her sword when they arrive, Tony takes one look at her and frowns worriedly.
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"...So, are you okay?" Bella asks. "Also, can I have his staff? I can wrap it up so it doesn't try to grab any forest magic."

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"He used a frost spell. I am uncomfortable, but will survive. Do what you like with the staff," she says, sheathing her sword.

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"Sherryyyyy," says Tony. "That's horrible!"

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"...Do you need - I have some - if you want -" Bella sets about rummaging in her left sleeve. "Brightwort and goldflower and a little sorcery, if you want me to patch you up?"

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"Yes," she says. "Thank you."

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Brightwort and goldflower are both produced. "I don't suppose either of you can set these on fire for me? I also have matches, somewhere, I think but am not sure..." Rummage, rummage.

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"Sure, just say when," says Tony.

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"Soon, soon," murmurs Bella, and she gets out a glass plate, arranges the herbs on it, and says, "Sherlock, I'm going to need to hold your hand - or something, but hand's easiest."

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Sherlock divests herself of a gauntlet and offers Bella her hand.

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Bella clasps Sherlock's hand in both of hers and tries not to blush, mostly successfully. "Now, Tony?"

When the herbs are aflame, she says:


And Sherlock should feel much better now.
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She lets out a soft sigh of relief. "Thank you."

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"You're welcome," says Bella cheerfully, letting Sherlock's hand go with a pat and blowing herbal ashes from her glass plate before she tucks it into her sleeve again. "Lucky thing I have so many healing trigger-spells set up. Comes of wanting to be immortal." She goes up to the staff cautiously, puts her spectacles on, and starts peering at it through various lenses in search of traps to disarm or work around.

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Sherlock spends a moment smiling before she puts her gauntlet back on.

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"This will take me about two hours to make it safe to pick up and put away, or I could destroy it right now," Bella finally announces. "Do you two object to waiting that long?"

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"What would you do with it once you had it away?"

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"Hang onto it until I got home, and then study it!" says Bella cheerfully. "There's no good way for non-wizards to learn about wizard spells, but the best way is to take apart the staffs and see what's in them. The next best way is to marry a wizard and pretend to be deaf so he'll talk to his friends in front of you, and some fine books on wizard magic have been produced that way, but I do not care for the methodology."

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...She laughs.

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"You go right ahead and pack it up, then," says Tony.

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"All right then," says Bella cheerily, and she settles in to work.

She wears her spectacles the entire time, flicking occasionally between lenses, and performs an eclectic series of procedures, occasionally swearing at the staff under her breath. At one point she produces what looks like a piece of another wizard staff and waves it in a detailed pattern through the air. Something that makes her sneeze convulsively is involved a bit later on.

Finally, about two hours later, she whips out a few yards of red cloth, wraps the wizard staff in it, and stuffs it lengthwise into her right sleeve. "All right!"
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"Excellent. Shall we continue?"

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"I do believe we shall."

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Sherlock continues to lead them, then.

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"So," says Bella, "has soapy lemon water stopped working, then? I keep expecting them to find a way around that; perhaps they finally have."

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"A bucket of soapy water with lemon is useful only against things in need of a good scrub," she says, "of which wizards are by far the most threatening. A sword protects against more dangers and is less awkward to carry."

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"You haven't got an argelfraster trigger set up, I take it?"

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"The sword works just as well."

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"Better if you want them dead. Not as well if melted for later respawning will do," Bella points out.

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"I believe they've gotten too used to respawning."

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"Too used to it?"

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"It functions as a temporary setback for them, rather than any kind of deterrent."

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"I don't think they like melting," says Bella.

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"No. But as I said, they have gotten used to it."

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"Mm." Bella makes no further audible protests as they move on.

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After some time, she asks, "Are you troubled about the wizards?"
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"Troubled about them? Not really - not in either sense - not specifically. Troubled about - death. It's awfully permanent."

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"Yes," she agrees. "But difficult to thoroughly avoid."

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"Yes, well. I'm working on it."

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"Good luck."

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"Thank you."

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"Are you getting anywhere?"

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"I'm ruling out a lot of things that won't work," says Bella, brightening some. "At quite an impressive clip, if I do say so myself."

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Sherlock laughs. "A fine start."

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"I have some time left to work on it, after all, even if I don't manage the trick anytime soon. I'm only nineteen."

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"Do let us know if you figure it out."

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"Oh, I'll pretty much tell the entire world," says Bella placidly.

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"How helpful of you."

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"Rather," agrees Bella merrily. "But at any rate, people I do not know who are less deserving than a wizard trespassing in the Enchanted Forest die on a regular basis, so I am not troubled specially about him."

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"I see. That is good to know."

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"I do wonder what he was doing there. We haven't been walking long enough to get out of range of my usual haunts even considering that I don't have a magic carpet yet, and I've never seen a wizard around this close to my house. Occasionally near where my mother lives, one time where my father lives, but never here."

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"Where do your mother and your father live?"

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"Linderwall, both of them, but not the same town anymore."

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"Why not?"

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"Well, they got divorced, in large part because Charlie's very attached to his town and Ranata doesn't like it there. She moved."

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"I see."

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"It's a perfectly nice town, but small and sleepy and unremarkable," shrugs Bella. "I don't really want to live there either, not for any significant length of time."

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"What's it called?"

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"Tines. And Ranata in Phoenix. Why?"

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"Just curious."

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"I suppose it's only fair. I know where you grew up," laughs Bella.

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Tony giggles.

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"Did you enchant Sherlock's armor yourself," asks Bella, "or just forge it?"

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"Forged and enchanted!" she says happily. "That's from Dad's side of the family. He was good with metal, too."

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"It looks like a dwarf enchantment. I've investigated the magic but it doesn't like me as much as some kinds do."

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"I am pretty sure my dad wasn't a dwarf," says Tony. "I guess it's not impossible that he could've had some dwarf in him somewhere, though."

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"Dwarf spells are like elf ones - friendlier if you're in the family or some sort of tempermentally inclined but theoretically usable for anyone," says Bella. "I go ahead and wrestle with a dwarf spell whenever I want to work on something metal, but it's not often - I substitute when I can."

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"Well, now I know what kind of magic it is, I guess. I never really thought about it before."

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"...You were doing magic without knowing what kind it was?"

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"It was Dad's kind," she says reasonably.

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"He never told you what sort of magic he was doing?"

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"He invented most of it himself."

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"...Huh. Well, it looks dwarven to me, but I'm not enough of an expert on dwarf magic to say for sure that there's nothing else mixed in there."

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"I'll believe you that there's some dwarven, anyway."

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"You should. I am a magician and we know these things," says Bella grandly.

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Tony laughs.

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"Just how fire-witchy are you two? My specs aren't that fine-grained. They just say 'not zero, not all the way', but if there's books on thinned-out fire-witch families I haven't got copies."

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"I think maybe it was our... great-great grandma?" she hazards. "And it's been pretty strong in the family since then, we're the first generation with no red hair. But we still do the fire thing and the knowing stuff about stuff thing."

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"And it's hard to tell about the rest, because the royal family of the Enchanted Forest also has a strong natural affinity for magic."

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"The fire thing. There's parts to the fire thing - does your hair burn when you're mad? I saw you do an ignition -" She waves at Tony. "And the frost spell bothered you, although you were perfectly talkative and so on so I don't know how much -" She waves at Sherlock. "I'm not getting much of an impression of a temper off either of you - you were pretty calm about the wizard, sword or no sword - do you cry fire? Could you push magic into a wizard's staff and explode it? Thanks for not doing that if that's a thing you could've done," Bella adds, "I've never gotten hold of an intact recently-used staff whose owner wasn't liable to steal it back a few days later before."

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"Yeah, Sherry can be a real firestorm if you piss her off bad enough, it just takes a lot to get her going these days," says Tony. "Which is a good thing, 'cause we live in a forest. I dunno about exploding wizard's staffs, I've never tried."

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"If you're worried about burning down swaths of forest I could probably make you gear for that," says Bella. "Like my marble, only I think I'd make them out of something else if they were intended to contain fire-witch magic specifically."

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"I have not set anything on fire that I did not fully intend to set on fire since I was nine," says Sherlock. "I believe I am all right on that front."

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"What's your marble do?"

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"Stores magic. It's like a wizard staff - some of the same basic principles on the storage end - it'll take all kinds, it could store fire-witch magic without exploding but it wouldn't like it - but it's not a thief. It takes runoff from my spells, anything I generate by accident, occasional donations. Then if I ever need a lot of power without a lot of time to prepare, it's there."

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"Cool," says Tony.

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"I think so! I like glass in general, the specs and the marble are good examples of its uses," says Bella. "That and windows and kitchenware."

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"What sorts of kitchenware?"

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"The limeade pitcher, you saw. Mixing bowls and so on. I have as much as I can in glass and then it's easier to add it to the general spell I have over the kitchen that makes it so cooperative."

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"Convenient. I want one."

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"If you want to park me in your kitchen for a day or two, I can do that," says Bella merrily. "The cooks aren't quick enough to suit you?"

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"Oh, I love to cook."

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"Aha. Yes, you'll like the kitchen spell. It does take some getting used to, though - the spell does for you, and you do for the spell, it has to learn what you mean when you tell it this or that. I don't have to read off my pancake recipe anymore to get all the ingredients because I don't often change them, but if I did my kitchen would be petulant for hours."

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"How large is the spell's vocabulary? Could I teach it several varieties of pancakes and not run into trouble so long as I kept the names straight?"

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"Yes, if the names are all distinct it will do fine, it has no trouble with the complexities of white bean soup versus black bean soup. Its memory is as large as I make it - mine's got a stack of paper tucked away in a cupboard-space to serve and hasn't run out of room yet."

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She laughs. "How delightful. Yes, unless Mother raises an unexpected objection, I certainly think you should enchant our kitchen."

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"All right!" Normally she would bring up compensation at this point, but a kitchen enchantment and a witchsleeved bag are nowhere near what Bella would happily pay just for access to the Skyvault and possibly the sword. Plus this bonus wizard staff.

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"You are helpful!"

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"So helpful," agrees Bella. "Are there already any enchantments laid on the kitchen? That'll affect how I go about it."

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"Not to my recollection, but the castle is quite old, so there's probably some residue."

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"Residue that's not in active use? I can just suck that up into the marble if nobody minds to get it out of the way."

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"As long as you're careful about it, I don't foresee a problem."

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"What would the particular hazards of not being careful look like in this case?"

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"If you took some magic that was in active use in whatever capacity, someone would be likely to get annoyed."

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"That makes sense. The marble's pretty well set up to avoid that sort of thing. I didn't want to get evicted on account of practicing straight-up wizardry, after all."

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"Wise," she comments.

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"It's really a pity that wizards insist on such unfriendly forms of practice. And such secrecy. There are benign applications of their principles, but they're hard to dig up, and the wizards won't help anyone look."

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"I agree."

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"I do wonder what that one was doing. He didn't say anything useful on the subject?"

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"There's nothing much in the part of the forest except the Tree of Pearls, which I can't imagine why it'd interest a wizard particularly."

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"What's the Tree of Pearls, again?"

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"It's a tree. It grows pearls," says Bella. "Instead of fruit. Or as fruit, depending on how you look at it. They're edible, in contrast to most pearls, quite tasty actually, also make lovely jewelry, I made Renée a necklace of them once."

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"Did she eat it?"

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"Nope. She wears it. I put pearls in my omelettes sometimes, though."

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"That's kind of awesome," says Tony. "Unless you threw a real one in there by accident. Then, ow."

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"There's no good place to get real ones without just buying them from a traveling salesperson, around here, and I have no use for real ones - for all the magical applications the fruit kind works just as well. You'd have to go south for a week to get to a lake with freshwater oysters, and southwest from there for another two weeks to reach the ocean."

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"Well, it is the Enchanted Forest. You never know."

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"True. There's all kinds of stuff here. That's why I moved in."

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"Yep," says Tony. "That's the Enchanted Forest for you. Full of stuff."

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"Mostly trees and moss," says Bella. "But interesting trees, some of them, and pretty moss!"

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"I love my forest," Tony says happily.

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"In all its vast unmappable glory, so do I," grins Bella.

They walk till dark, and Bella knows less about where they are now, as she only rarely ventures this far from her home.

The weather's fair; Bella produces a bedroll but not a tent. "I can have a look at your bag now," she offers to Tony.
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Tony cheerfully unpacks it and hands it over. (The unpacking is surprisingly fast.)

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Bella takes the bag and starts inspecting it like she hopes to make a sewing pattern for another just like it. Then she sets to work.

It's a simple spell, but for anything that's not a sleeve it takes varying amounts of coaxing. She does some of this coaxing aloud. "C'mon, you're so sleevy, I bet you always wanted to be a sleeve when you grew up, huh, you'd make the best sleeve," she coos to Tony's bag.
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...Tony giggles.

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Bella smirks at her and goes back to wheedling the bag, interspersed with variants on the spell. Eventually she has made enough progress to sprinkle the bag's interior with a mix of herbs that smell almost like dinner. "Come onnnnnn... you can do it... you will fulfill your destiny..."

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Tony is absolutely cracking up at this point.

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"I bet my sleeves want to be bags. They work more like bags than sleeves anyway - c'mon - you know you wanna be sleeved - c'mon c'mon - deepandwidecapacioussleevealwaysgiveherwhatsheneedsbythepowerofthisspellkeepitallandkeepitwell!" she blurts as fast as possible without losing diction. She peers into the bag. "Sleeved!" she says triumphantly.

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Tony scoops up the bag and hugs it. Then she hugs Bella too, for good measure.

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Eee, hugs! Bella is pleased. And huggable.

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Hugs hugs huuuuuugs.

"You're my favourite magician," she says gleefully.
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"Have you met many?" asks Bella archly.

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"That only makes sense. We are rather uncommon."

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"It was a magician that did the first spell to keep wizards' greasy paws off our magic," she offers. "Way back before Mom was even born."

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"Yeah, I've read about Telemain. Good role model, kind of lousy writer, too fond of his jargon - I understand it now but it was kind of intimidating when I was just starting out."

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"Yeah, I remember Dad used to complain about him all the time."

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Bella laughs. "The jargon problem, or something else? Were they contemporaries at all?"

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"They might've been?" she hazards. "Mostly it was the jargon. He complained about the spell structure on the anti-wizard thing, too, but it was the admiring kind of complaining."

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"There's an admiring kind of complaint?"

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"Oh, yes," says Sherlock.

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"Like what?"

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"I cannot give you examples," she says. "It was mostly in the delivery."

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"You had to know him."

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"Fair enough. I had just moved in when he passed away - it was a fairly miserable welcome, the forest grieving all around me - I'm sure it was worse for you. I'm sorry."

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"What brought you here?"

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"There's really no better place to be a magician," Bella says, brightening. "I think there's something like a dozen witches in the whole of Linderwall - no permanent wizard residence - there's Little Elfholts in two of the big cities but it's nothing like having a native elf population - there's just not as much to look at, magic-wise."

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"That," says Tony, "is very true."

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"And I do like to be busy."

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"What are you currently busy with?"

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"There's the ongoing immortality project, and on the shorter-term front I'm deconstructing some unicorn magic, trying to convince Kexan to introduce me to his grandmother, setting up a test garden to see which of several spells is better at repelling gnomes and other pests, and - now - I'm going to have lots of notes on the Skyvault and maybe the sword to pore over."

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"What exactly are you doing to unicorn magic? And who is Kexan's grandmother?"

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"Kexan's grandmother is the King of the Dragons. I want to convince her to let me have a look at the King's Crystal. I don't expect to be allowed to touch it or do anything to it, but I give myself even odds on being allowed to look, possibly if I spend a month in indentured servitude to her first or something. So far Kexan's on the fence about it."

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"Good luck," snorts Tony. "Kazul's an old friend of the family, and I wouldn't ask her for a look at the Crystal."

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"I'm at least reasonably confident that Kexan will not introduce me if she'd be liable to eat me," says Bella. "Merely not getting a look at the Crystal wouldn't be so bad; I'm not getting a look at it now. But I have to be gentle and patient - which is hard - about wheedling Kexan, since of course if I annoy him too much he might present me without being sure if I'll get eaten. Dragons can be depressingly casual about people getting eaten."

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"I had noticed that, yeah," says Tony. "And I come with a spare."

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"...I had not been under the impression that this was how twins work..." says Bella.

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"It isn't," says Sherlock. "Royal families, however..."

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"So you think a dragon would think less of eating one of you because the other could carry on questing for a husband and produce an heir," says Bella, sighing. "Yeah, probably."

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"From a dragon's perspective, individual humans don't last that long regardless of being eaten. Human continuity on the level of the family is more comparable to dragon continuity on the level of the individual."

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"I think half the reason Kexan is willing to be friends with me is that I take the limitations of human lifespan very seriously as a bad thing that I plan to fix," Bella says, nodding. "I'm certainly not gearing up to produce an heir and he doesn't know my parents."

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"Are you not?" says Sherlock, smiling.

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"Gay as a rainbow that is only interested in other rainbows of the same sex," says Bella, gesturing at herself, "so, yeah."

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Tony laughs.

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"I mean, that's probably a relatively minor technical issue if I worked on it, but it's not a priority at the moment, I don't have a kingdom to hand down."

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"...Relatively minor?"

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"Well, I don't know really, I haven't looked into it, but it doesn't sound hard, not like living forever without turning into a rock or getting other people to understand one's cat."

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"Is the cat thing really up there?"

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"So, so up there," laughs Bella, "it's kind of ridiculous, it's so easy if it's your cat as to be barely a spell and so hard if it's not your cat - some people manage it for like a minute at a time, and then it fizzles."

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Sherlock laughs.

"That is bizarre."
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"I know. I think it's something about the cats themselves interfering, but attempts at observing anything emanating from Cricket beyond witchcraft I deliberately channel through him have turned up zilch."

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"Perhaps," says Sherlock, "it is precisely the cats themselves interfering."

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"I don't think they're consciously obstructing the attempts. They have enough variance in personality that I don't think they could simply all be lying about wanting to help, and generally they don't object to being translated manually."

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"Then perhaps it is in their nature, and does not emanate because it is not having an effect in the world beyond the cat?"

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"But a great many visible effects don't have results beyond the thing they are on, so it would have to be special in at least one other way."

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"I see. That is curious."

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"It is! There could potentially be an entire class of effects similar to cats and cats are just the one witches have noticed due to the usefulness of having cats," shrugs Bella. "It's an interesting puzzle, but not a priority for me; I can translate Cricket as needed."

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"And I suppose if you solve mortality you will have plenty of time for the rest."

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"Yes, exactly! There's so much to do! I can barely stand to specialize even the tiny amount that I do. If I were immortal that would solve that problem, and replace it with the far lovelier problem of things to do appearing at a rate per year that would overwhelm anyone's ability to do that number of things in a year."

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"...Things to do such as...?"

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"Everything! I'm oriented around magic, myself, but there's other things to do in service of that - I know wee bits of Elvish so I can talk about the magic in a language designed to handle it; I've traveled, but only to look at magic things, not just to go places and have a look at them; I know how to craft some objects - like the specs and so on - but only so I can enchant them. And there are certainly other things people do besides magic! I bet some of them are even interesting! If I had a few more lifetimes to cram it into I could get more than serviceable at cooking, and learn how to speak Elvish properly and read books in it, and go see the Pendasi Sky-Islands which aren't even slightly magical but are reputed to be beautiful, and there's all kinds of social activism that needs doing, and stuff to be invented, and people to meet."

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"Suddenly my life feels so much more boring," Tony remarks.

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"What, don't you do things? You're a princess, I'm sure you get to do things - politics sounds fascinating, I'd probably move to one of those newfangled democracies and play with it if for some reason I couldn't be a magician," says Bella. "And even if that's not to your taste, you've been sent on a pretty open-ended quest, you could go just about anywhere and claim that you might find a husband while you were at it."

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"If either of us liked politics, our mother would not be quite so desperate to marry at least one of us off to someone who did."

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"If the quest doesn't pan out are you at risk of being set up with some more or less disagreeable neighbor prince?" inquires Bella.

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Sherlock smiles thinly.

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"Why not?"

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"Because if I have to marry somebody I don't actually like, I'll pull a Cimorene," says Tony, "and if Sherry does, she'll set him on fire."

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"Cimorene was - hang on, not a historian - Cimorene was queen alongside King Mendanbar, right? Did she run away at some point from someone? That's reasonable. Setting him on fire sounds extreme. He might be nothing worse than spineless or otherwise not equipped to run away himself, after all."

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"Cimorene got to King Mendanbar by running away from Linderwall, where her parents wanted to marry her to a disagreeable neighbouring prince, and being Kazul's princess for a while. Which is where the family friendship thing got started. I love Cimorene, she's my favourite ancestor."

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"I have no interesting ancestors. That must be nice to have some," says Bella. "Cimorene sounds like she must've been neat. Did you already scope out the neighboring princes yourselves?"

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"Yeah. And actually I'm pretty sure Mom wouldn't want me to marry any of 'em."

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"Why not? Are they bad at politics?"

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"They are bad at most things that don't involve hitting one another with swords. And I am better than most of them at that."

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"I don't really understand why that's supposed to be a princely skill. Strategy maybe, if you expect to get into wars, but actual swordfighting? Why would anybody in line for the throne be on the front lines as a matter of course?"

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"Rescuing princesses?" suggests Tony.

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"If rescuing princesses is the principal use for a prince's ability to swordfight, then it should be a general royal offspring skill," says Bella, waving in Sherlock's direction, "which obviously it can be, just isn't most often. I suppose this is not the case if the rescuing is just courtship theater, but it's awfully stabby courtship theater and should probably be replaced with the board game version if that's the case."

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"I fully agree."

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"Good. You should. Because I am right," says Bella. "How come you learned to swordfight, anyway? Planning on rescuing somebody?"

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"It's fun."

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"Maybe I'd see the appeal if I didn't need enchanted moccasins just to walk five steps without falling on my face," laughs Bella.

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"Clearly someone ought to build you some enchanted armour."

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"I don't think I can witchsleeve a gauntlet," says Bella. "Besides, remember how I'm woefully forced to specialize?"

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...Tony looks intrigued by this notion.

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"You really, really want to make armor for a clumsy magician?" inquires Bella archly.

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"Not necessarily armor," she says. "But something you could wear to make you less clumsy? Yes!"

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"On top of the moccasins? Because you'll notice I haven't fallen so far. Although admittedly they only do walking. I still knock things off counters and tables more than I like, and running's basically out of the question."

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"Yeah, that's why armour! Because moccasins are for feet," she says wisely.

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"I have making a pair of matching gloves on my to-do list, but admittedly it's been there for more than a year," says Bella.

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"But then there's all the stuff in between, too," she says. "And armour's good for that. Well, I guess somebody who wasn't me could probably convince a dress to be good for dancing in, or something."

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"A dress would be the thing for that - shoes are traditional, and they do extend past my feet or I'd be tripping anyway on account of uncooperative knees or center of gravity, but traditions don't always line up with what's easiest or most sensible to do."

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"I," says Tony, "could make anti-clumsy armour that you could do just about anything in."

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"Including have big baggy witch sleeves which can't have anything between them and my arms?" asks Bella.

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"Yes," she says firmly.

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Tony laughs.

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"Then instead of mistaking me for a witch, they could mistake me for some bizarre witch-knight hybrid," giggles Bella.

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"I wonder if there are any actual bizarre witch-knight hybrids who'd be annoyed with me for impersonating them without paying guild dues or knowing anything about swords beyond which end is which."

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"Why, do you get that from witches a lot?"

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"Oh, no, witches are very laid-back about that. Besides, even a lot of bonafide witches can't tell that I'm not one. They stop at the robes and the cat and the pointy hat and the garden, same as everyone else, four times of five."

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"If you get any of it from witch-knights," says Sherlock, "you may send them to me."

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"Oooh, royal dispensation," flutters Bella.

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Sherlock laughs.

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"What would it look like?" Bella asks.

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Tony shrugs. "What would you want it to?"

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"I don't know a thing about armor design. I work with fabric and glass, not generally metal," laughs Bella. "I don't know. I'm pretty used to my existing look. Does armor come in unobtrusive?"

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"It can," says Tony. "If I'm making it."

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Tony grins.

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It's full dark at this point. Bella pulls a glowing knob of glass out of a sleeve; it throws her face into stark shadows but lets her pick her way across their chosen clearing to her bedroll and sit on it. "Well, it would be very kind of you to make me such a thing," says Bella. "...I think I mentioned that I am currently saving up for a carpet, though, so, I don't know what materials and labor usually run, but -"

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"I'm a princess," Tony points out. "I don't actually need people to pay me for stuff. I'm pretty much just gonna do it to prove I can."

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"Oh, okay then."

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Tony giggles.

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"How long after sunset do you two usually turn in for the night? I don't want to keep you up," Bella says, setting her glow-glass on her pillow.

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She shrugs.

"I dunno. Depends how early we want to wake up."
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"That doesn't tell me whether to put the light away yet or not," Bella points out.

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"Well, how early do we wanna wake up?"

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"Are we in a hurry? Does it matter what time of day we arrive?"

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"Then I suppose 'whenever'? Which oddly enough makes our bedtime exactly the same thing."

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Tony giggles.

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Bella unclips her belt of pouches, doffs her hat, and takes off her moccasins. Her outfit looks much less witchlike with all of those objects sleeved, and when the robes also come off and get folded and put under her pillow and it's just the tunic and leggings they might as well be pajamas. She murmurs a spell that makes her remaining clothes glow pink for a moment and then fades.

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"...Why the pink?"

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"I didn't pick the color, but it's a cleaning spell," shrugs Bella. "Handy for traveling. I have changes of clothes in my sleeves but this works as long as I haven't actually spilled breakfast on myself or anything."

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"Handy," says Tony.

Her own preparations for bed are considerably simpler.
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So are Sherlock's.

It help that her armour removes and packs itself on command.
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"Oooooh, warn me next time you do that so I can watch it with my specs on?" exclaims Bella, watching the armor fold itself up.

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"You may also watch me put it on in the morning," she says, snuggling into her bedroll.

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"Yes please," says Bella, sliding into hers and grinning.

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"Sooo anyway," says Tony, "g'night everybody!"

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"I should warn you, according to Cricket I talk in my sleep, feel free to wake me up and make me cast a spell to muffle it if it bothers you," Bella says, stashing her light.

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"Will do," Tony assures her.

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Bella promptly falls asleep and starts uttering random nouns.

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It's kind of adorable.

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Bella is up at approximately dawn the next day! She shrugs her robes on and belts and hats and moccasins herself. If the twins aren't up, she will write in her notebook quietly till they are.

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Sherlock pokes her head out of her bedroll almost immediately.

"If you want to watch me get into my armour," she murmurs, crawling out of it, "now is the time."
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Specs out of hat and on face! Rapt expression!

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The compact, slightly spiky package made by the armour in its resting state is nearby.

Sherlock picks it up and gives it a twist, fitting her hands into the depressions that appear when she does so. It unfolds itself up her arms, wraps around her torso, and clicks and shakes and rattles into place; she hardly has to move except to step into the boots. From the moment she picks it up to the last quiet click is maybe three-quarters of a minute all told.
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"Ah, that's artistry," breathes Bella.

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"That," says Sherlock, with evident satisfaction, "is Tony for you."

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"I'll have to compliment her effusively. Beautiful, beautiful - not just the magic but the mechanics and the way they interact - how late is she likely to sleep?"

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"Effusive praise is my favourite thing to wake up to," says a cheerful mumble from Tony's bedroll.

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Bella giggles. "It's gorgeous work," she says. "Probably the prettiest predominantly-dwarf spell I've ever seen - usually they go for blocky functionality but sometimes they don't and it's still the prettiest."

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Tony yawns.

"I like pretty," she says smugly. "When I can do pretty, I do."
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"Good for you!"

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She beams.

"Best morning," she announces.
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Bella laughs, and she reaches into her sleeve for some nibbles to breakfast on. "Always happy to dispense credit where it's due."

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"Sherry, make breakfast," Tony says sleepily.

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"Ooh, what are you cooking? I'm pretty helpless without my magic kitchen, myself, I always just pack enough when I'm on a trip."

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"Let's see," says Sherlock.

She produces breakfast. It is delicious.
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Bella doesn't solicit any - she has her own and doesn't know how long they're packed for. Then she rolls up her bedroll until it fits back in her sleeve and tucks it away.

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"Handy," comments Sherlock. Hers and Tony's both fold up considerably smaller than they look like they should, but there is no magic involved, just efficient design.

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"Well, your bag will do it now too," says Bella, smiling and hauling herself up to her feet with the clever use of a tree.

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"Yeah," says Tony, "but we didn't overpack for the trip, so we still have only as much stuff as it'd physically hold."

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"If I had to work with that I'd never go anywhere. They don't cover weightlifting in magic school. I filled my gym credit on a broomstick - that was before my accident."

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"I was kind of a daredevil on that thing. It didn't get me into trouble until I'd been out of school for a while. Got distracted at high altitude and a witch plowed right into me and I fell and had to spend two days in the healer's ward. I'm not scared of heights, now, just brooms. My broom was completely wrecked anyway, and they're not any cheaper than carpets - not if you get one that can fly and not one that just does, you know, floors - so I've just been saving for a nice rug."

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"Gotcha," says Tony.

And... looks thoughtful.
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"Awwwwww," says Bella as the camp is struck and they proceed castleward. "Pleeeeease?"

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"No, okay, I promise you'll find out eventually," she says, "I just have to..." She waves her hands inarticulately. "Stuff."

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"Aha, stuff. I misunderstand incompletely."

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"Stuff," she agrees. "I really will explain later. When there is actually something to explain."

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"Fair enough," laughs Bella. "Broomsticks are uncomfortable anyway, even if you do sit sidesaddle like you're supposed to, and I was never that reckless when I was trying to do tricks..."

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"Yes, that does sound potentially troublesome," muses Sherlock.

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"Very. I understand they're easy to enchant compared to, say, chairs with straps to hold you in nice and snug, but there are actually staggering numbers of broom accidents if you look at the per hatpoint statistics." Pause. "That being the witch-only term for per capita."

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Tony cracks up.

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Bella taps the point of her hat and smirks. "I didn't make it up, but I will take full responsibility for propagating the term."

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She giggles some more.

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"We're coming up on the lime-flavored river," Bella observes after they've been walking for about half an hour. "There's a bridge, but it doesn't hold still, so I can't tell you how to intercept it."

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"I feel confident that we can track it down."

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"Quite probably!" agrees Bella. "We should also watch out for giant watersnakes. They can't get at the bridge itself, but they can and do hang out on the banks of the river."

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"I am duly warned."

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"I suppose you must have already crossed this river to find my house, sorry. Unless you went far enough north first to go around the Limespring."

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"I don't remember a lime-flavoured river," Tony contributes, "but I also haven't tasted every single river we've crossed, so..."

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"It flows from a limestone spring," explains Bella. "Only logical. I get most of my drinking water from a stream that branches off from the river. I made the limeade with it."

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"Limestone spring," she laughs. "Gotcha."

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Presently they come to the river. No bridge is immediately in evidence. Bella picks a direction to look in and goes left, peering ahead for evidence of the bridge.

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Sherlock takes right, for efficiency.

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Bella finds a bridge. She's turned around to shout for the princesses to come her way when a watersnake finds her.

Bella's moccasins are not rated for running. She goes sprawling and she's knee-deep in the snake a moment later.
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Sherlock only starts running a split second before Tony, but she passes her on the way.

Disinclined to bring out her sword in close proximity to Bella, she instead hooks her gauntleted hands into the snake's jaws and yanks them apart.
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The snake makes a godawful noise and thrashes a coil around Sherlock, and Bella drags herself away from it. "Mulagarby-rothwick-ulfrancian-shlerastov," she gasps, and her legs recover somewhat from the teeth wounds and she can sit up and scramble a little more effectively. She's lost a moccasin down the snake's gullet.

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All parts of Bella now being out of the snake, Sherlock draws her sword and cuts it in half.

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The snake takes exception to this!

But not for very long.

"Th-thanks," says Bella. "They're usually not that far up the bank."
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"You are welcome," says Sherlock.

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Tony arrives, a little out of breath.

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"Rothwick-rothwick-rothwick," Bella mutters, holding her hands together until her legs stop bleeding, and then she does her cleaning spell again, and then she says, "Well, I'm down a shoe, I'm not sorting through snake guts for that thing, I'd sooner walk barefoot."

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"I am sorry to report we haven't any spares," says Sherlock.

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"Barefoot it is," says Bella, peeling off the other moccasin. "They only work as a pair. I'll make more when I get home, I suppose. Eugh. Bad watersnake. Okay, what do I have to get past the rest of them, what do I have... Sherlock, are you okay? Did it get a chance to squeeze you at all?"

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"Not even a dent," she reports serenely.

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"Okay. I don't usually come out this far and the last time I was with Kexan and didn't worry about the snakes, but I have a little powdered mercury-leaf, which I think will make us look like non-food with an associated elf-spell, I'm just not sure about dosage since there's three of us and mercury-leaf is expensive..."

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Sherlock has cleaned her sword, but not sheathed it.

"I will deal with any further snakes," she says.
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"...Okay. Well then. Look! A bridge!" says Bella, laughing a little shakily.

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Tony shrugs and heads for it.

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They make it across the bridge without any other snakes trying to turn them into lunch. Bella trips with noticeable frequency, although she does land on soft Enchanted Forest moss and kip up uninjured every time.

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"Should I be carrying you the rest of the way?" says Tony, grinning a little.

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"Do you wanna?"

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She giggles. "Do you?"

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"Wouldn't say no. You're not a broomstick, far as I know."

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"I don't remember ever being compared to one before," she says, laughing.

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"If you were one, I wouldn't let you carry me," Bella says.

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"Well, aren't I glad I'm not a broomstick, then," she snorts.

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"That makes it sound like you want to carry me," observes Bella.

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Innocently: "Oh, does it?"

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"It does. Of all the reasons you could be glad to be a non-broomstick, that one seemed decisive in causing you to mention this gladness aloud."

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"Broomsticks also probably can't flirt with you," she said. "Or if they did, it would be really uncomfortable for everyone involved. So that's another big win."

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"I'm trying and failing to imagine a broomstick flirting with me, and I have a pretty good imagination," giggles Bella.

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"They'd have so much opportunity, though! I mean, think about it! What do you do with a broomstick?"

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Bella laughs. "Me? Nothing at all."

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"Well, maybe that's why they can't flirt with you," snickers Tony.

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"That's probably the only reason they don't. I'm such a catch, everyone wants to flirt with introverted magicians who find their own toes impediments to walking," snickers Bella. "Especially broomsticks."

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"Damn right!" says Tony.

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Bella starts to say something, and then is sent to the moss again by a tree root, picks herself up, and says, "Is this all an elaborate leadup to actually picking me up?"

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"If you actually want me to carry you all or part of the way to the castle," says Tony, "then I absolutely will."

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"I would like that." Bella declines to specify what fraction of this liking is merely because the alternative is falling down a lot and what fraction is getting carried by a pretty princess who makes artful armor.

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So Tony steps up to her and scoops her up gently.

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Bella settles in to this arrangement quite comfortably. "Thanks!"

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"No problem," Tony says cheerfully.

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Bella doesn't have to look where they're going anymore! She produces a book and looks up at the scenery once a page, and also at princesses if addressed.

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"Whatcha readin'?" asks Tony, who is not well-placed to see either the pages or the cover.

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"Highlights of Elven Theurgy by Raxtus Shadowmusic-Smith!" reports Bella.

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"Is it interesting?" she laughs. "With a title like that it could go either way."

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"It contains fewer things I didn't already know than I'd hoped, but it's very well put together."

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"So what is it actually about?"

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"It's a survey of the coolest parts of elf magic. This section's about wards and other defensive spells."

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"Anything I'd understand in there?"

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"Mmm... I'm not sure. I don't know anything about royal magic. Certainly it's nothing in common with dwarf magic or fire-witchery. 'Anchoring a ward on a tree does nothing to defend the tree, so wards are routinely stacked with the copious application of arbrex charms; it may also help to invert the dimensional identifiers differently with each layer if the wards are otherwise meant to cover the same area'?"

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She laughs.

"Nope, totally incomprehensible."
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"Sorry," chuckles Bella. "I'll pull a novel next and I can read aloud if you want."

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"It's okay," says Tony. "Read what you wanna read."

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And so she does.

She doesn't particularly notice when she winds up with her head on Tony's shoulder.
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Tony does!

Tony awwwws.
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"Hmm?" Bella looks around, expecting something along the lines of a baby rabbit.

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"No, the cute thing is you," Tony says fondly.

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Bella peers down at herself. "Did reading become cute all of a sudden? Or did I turn fluffy and not notice? Or is it a mystery that will be explained only with cunning graphs?"

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"You had your head on my shoulder," Tony explains. "It was cute."

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"Oh," says Bella, turning a little pink. "I didn't realize. You don't mind?"

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"Aww is not a sound of minding."

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"Just checking," says Bella with a soft giggle. She puts her head back where it was, and she smiles, and she turns a page.

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Tony giggles, too.

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It's about an hour after lunch when they are next in a position to encounter somebody. The somebody is behind a tree over there and he's doing a very bad job of masking his sniffling.

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Sherlock stops. Well before the sniffling would be audible to the rest of her party.

"Tony," she says quietly.
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Tony stops, too, a few steps behind Sherlock.

She doesn't say anything for a few seconds.
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"What?" murmurs Bella, tucking her book into her sleeve and picking her head up from Tony's shoulder.

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"There is a... person," says Sherlock.

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"Another wizard, or just some other sort of person?"

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"A child," says Sherlock.

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"By themselves?"

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"Alone. Crying."

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"You want me to handle it? The window that does the lost tinkers' sons and so on does kids sometime, I can probably help him."

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"Please do," says Sherlock.

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Bella extricates herself from Tony's arms with some reluctance and does not instantly tumble into a heap on the ground. "Where...?"

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Sherlock leads her partway there, and points.

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Bella closes the distance.

Yep, that's a lonely crying little kid. "Hi, there," she murmurs. "Are you lost?"

He sniffs, he nods.

"Have you tried asking a squirrel for directions? Squirrels are very good at learning how the forest moves around."

"I -" sniff - "tried! But it wouldn't help me."

"What? Why? Where are you trying to go, where do your parents live? Maybe I can help you."

He shakes his head.

"...You wouldn't tell the squirrel where your parents are supposed to be?"


"Then of course they couldn't help, they need to know what to give directions to. Look, what's your name?"


"Calemar, I want to help you get unlost, but I don't know where to unlose you to. Is it not your parents? Do you live with an aunt or an uncle or a grandparent or something and you got confused about the question?"


"...Are you not supposed to tell strangers where you live?"

"I'm not," sniffles Calemar.
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"I can find it," says Sherlock.
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"Even if he doesn't tell you where he's supposed to be - nothing about it?" Bella asks quizzically.

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"The forest knows."

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Calemar shakes his head vigorously.

"But Calemar, you don't have to tell her anything, she can just lead you straight to -"

"No! Not supposed to bring people! I have to find it by myself."

"How long have you been lost?"

"A - a couple days," sniffs Calemar.

"Are you hungry?"

He nods.

Bella unpacks a sandwich from her sleeve and hands it over. He bites into it without inquiry about its properties.

"So you're not just generally suspicious of strangers," Bella concludes.

Calemar doesn't answer. His mouth is full.
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"I am going to find it anyway," Sherlock says quietly.

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"No!" exclaims Calemar around a mouthful. "No, strangers aren't supposed to."

"Why not?" Bella asks him.

"It's a secret."
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"If it is not a secret from the trees," says Sherlock, "it is not a secret from me."

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"The trees?" says Calemar with deep suspicion, looking at the tree that he has been sitting under.

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"The forest," she says. "Trees and air and light and water and moss and dirt and rock. All together, they know things, and they have no secrets from me."

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"But - but it's a secret," burbles Calemar. "Daddy said it's not safe."

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"It is much less safe for you to be out here on your own," Sherlock points out reasonably.

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"I have to find home by myself so it can be secret," Calemar says.

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"You cannot find home by yourself," she says, "and it is not secret."

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"Daddy will be mad."

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She shrugs.

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"He'll think I told!"

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"You did not tell," says Sherlock. "The forest did."

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"He won't believe me if I say the forest told you where we live."

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"Will he believe me?"

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"I don't know," says Calemar.

"He ought to," says Bella.

"But I don't know if he will!"
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"I believe that I can convince him," says Sherlock.

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"But who're you? Why should he believe you?"

"This is Princess Sherlock," explains Bella.

Calemar stares, then bursts into tears.
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Sherlock sighs.

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"Aw, Calemar, she's not sca- she won't hurt you," corrects Bella.

"I don't wanna meeeeeeeeelt," wails Calemar, "it looks like it hurrrrrrrts!"


Bella sits back a bit.

"Melting doesn't hurt," she offers. "It's just inconvenient."

"I don't belieeeeeeeve youuuuuuuu!" Calemar wails.
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"I am not going to melt anyone today," says Sherlock.

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"Daddy said you would if anybody found us but the trees told you and we're all gonna be melted except Mommy and I don't wanna meeeeelt!"

Bella pats Calemar on the head awkwardly. It doesn't seem to help.
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"Your father was wrong," says Sherlock. "Observe: I am not melting you."

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Calemar looks himself over, sniffing, and stops wailing on observing that he is not melted.

"What are you going to do with a family of wizards in the Enchanted Forest, Sherlock?" asks Bella quietly.
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"Good question," says Sherlock. "Perhaps if I bring back their lost child, none of them will try to kill me."

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"Yeah, but - longer term."

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"If they do not try to kill me or anyone else, or destroy parts of my forest, I don't see why I should do anything with them in particular."

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"Fair enough. Detour?"

"You're gonna take me home?" asks Calemar suspiciously. "By tree directions?"
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"Yes," says Sherlock.

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Calemar seems to decide that there's nothing he can do about this. He gets up and shifts his weight from foot to foot.

"Is it far?" Bella asks Sherlock, wondering whether to solicit more carrying or just trip her way there on her own.
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"Not terribly."

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Bella walks under her own power unless Tony says something about it, and she offers Calemar her hand, which he takes. This is actually a steadying influence, whether because of how it draws her attention or because of actual physical steadying; she doesn't fall on the way to -

The cave.

Yep, that's a cave. Calemar breaks away from Bella and hurtles into it, screaming for his parents.
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Sherlock stands still and waits. She's good at that.

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No one appears to be emerging from the cave.

"They could be fleeing out a back entrance," Bella points out after a minute. "Or they could have teleportations set up, if they're good wizards."
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"I can hear them," she murmurs. "Not words, but voices. They are not currently fleeing."

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"I'd be really surprised if a wizard came out to meet you. Maybe Calemar's mom, though."

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"We shall see."

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Eventually, a woman of some sort - whether she is Calemar's mother or not is not immediately obvious - emerges from the cave with her hands held up palms-front and a terrified expression on her face.

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"Hello," says Sherlock.

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"Please don't hurt me. Us, please don't hurt us," blurts the woman.

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"I do not plan to hurt any of you," says Sherlock, "unless you try to hurt me first, which I don't expect is likely. Perhaps you would like to explain what you are doing in my forest?"

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"...We live here?" tries the woman.

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"For how long," Sherlock says patiently, "have you lived here?"

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"...Not... very..."

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"Why did you begin to live here?"

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"We thought it'd be safe as long as the royal family didn't find us," says the woman, looking like she'd like to wring her hands but would like to remain obviously unarmed even more.

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"And what do you get out of living in a cave in the Enchanted Forest that is worth the risk that we might?"

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"...The other wizards won't think to look for us here."

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"I see," says Sherlock. "In that case, provided your presence is not destructive, you may stay here under the same protection as any other resident of the forest."

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Bella puts her specs on and flicks the lenses around and peers past the woman into the cave. "They're not absorbing any of the forest magic, I think," she says. "I don't know about other ambient magic."

"I don't know anything about that," demurs the woman, "but we're not hurting anyone..."
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"The forest magic is my primary concern," says Sherlock. She addresses the woman. "Please allow the small child to ask squirrels the way home if he is lost again."

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"Oh, you've already found us, the squirrels themselves don't matter," says the woman with a shaky laugh.

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"That's all right, then."

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"Do you want me to cruise through the cave and make sure they're not up to anything magically nefarious?" Bella murmurs to Sherlock.

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"Yes, thank you," she murmurs back.

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Bella produces a ball of thread, hands an end to Tony - who's less likely to suddenly need her hands free - and unravels it into the cave. (This is a standard cave precaution if you don't know where you're going.) It's a smallish cluster of caves, not just a single cavern nor yet a node of a large network like the Caves of Chance or the Caves of Fire and Night, and she pokes her head into each of them, not explaining herself to the wizards or their female and therefore nonwizard family members. None of them tries to attack her. She rolls up the thread and comes out again.

"There are some wisps coming in, but it's unused residue, not uprooted useful magic. The same sort of stuff my marble grabs," Bella reports when she's retrieved the end of her thread from Tony.
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"Fine," says Sherlock.

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"...You'll just leave us be?" asks the woman suspiciously. "Are you going to tell the Queen?"

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"Yes," says Sherlock. "And yes. And she will also leave you be."

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"Will she really? How do you know?"

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"Because she is my mother," Sherlock says dryly.

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"Yes, but - are you authorized - to decide that sort of thing?" asks the woman, cringing as she utters the impertinent question.

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"Yes," she says, untroubled.

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"Okay. I'll. Just go back in, then?"

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"All right," says Sherlock.

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The woman backs away a few steps, then turns and hurries into the caves.

"There's some twenty adult wizards, half with wives and a third with one or more kids, as a cursory estimate," Bella says. "What would they be hiding from other wizards for? I don't get it."
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"I do not know," says Sherlock. "Mother will likely want to send someone to find out."

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"I'm sure that will thrill the little wizard colony," says Bella dryly. "They were scared half to death. Do you suppose they had anything to do with the one we encountered earlier?"

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"Mother will send someone who is not as terrifying as I am," says Sherlock. "He was almost certainly a member of the group, but not a close relative of either of the ones I met."

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"These ones didn't try to attack any of us, even though they had numbers," Bella observes. "Maybe he was looking for them, not with them."

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"Yes, that is the other major possibility."

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"I suppose we could go back and describe him and see if they say 'yes, that's our cousin' and commence mourning or 'good riddance, that was our unexplained enemy' and commence celebrating."

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"That is not something I desire to do."

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"Because it'd be awkward if it was the first one?" guesses Bella.

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"It is possible that if it is the first one, someone might attack me. I prefer to avoid that."

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"That too. I suppose whoever Her Majesty sends can find out that sort of thing."

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Bella nods.

She falls over.

She picks herself up and drifts Tonyward, looking hopeful.
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Laughing, Tony scoops her up again.

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Bella smiles and plops her head onto Tony's shoulder and pulls out her book again.

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And on they go!

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On they proceed, without further incident, wizard-related or otherwise, although they do see a unicorn who's in a terrible hurry to get somewhere and doesn't stop to talk, and a collection of birds who, combined, seem to know rather a lot about music theory.

They stop for the day by a tree with unseasonable icicles on it (but not directly underneath, because that would be silly for reasons of both temperature and sharpness).

Bella puts her book in her sleeve and waits to be set down.
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Tony sets Bella on her feet and then, on impulse, kisses her on the cheek.

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Bella is pleased! And a little confused! Mostly pleased.
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"Sorry," she says, "I just, I felt like doing that."

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"I support your decision completely! If it were in some sort of contest I would cheer it on and wave a little flag."

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...Tony cracks up.

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"However, I tend to overthink things and wish to know if there is any broader context to this decision which may or may not get its own flag?"

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"...Broader context like what?"

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"Like, why you felt like doing that, how likely you are to feel like doing that again, and what reactions I could have that would still be pleasant to have had in a week and what reactions I could have that I would regret later?"

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"I felt like doing that because you are cute and pretty and I like you," says Tony. "And I feel like doing it again right now."

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"Ooh." Bella tilts her head invitingly, because if Tony's not going to be helpful about context she'll work it out herself but that won't be appreciably harder with two kisses instead of one.

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Bella is not a complete novice here; her school was mostly girls (mostly witches; men can be, but usually aren't) and there was one she kissed a little bit, if not very much. Kiss!
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Ooh. Lots of kiss!

Tony is... the opposite of a novice.
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Yeah, Bella notices. Bella notices with a little itty bitty unconscious noise in the back of her throat.

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Bella's not sure what to do with her hands. Can she rest her forearms on Tony's shoulders and lace her fingers together behind Tony's neck? Can she do that with her hands?

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She can absolutely do that with her hands.

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She does!

Also she goes on kissing Tony. Tony's yummy and kissable and she does not yet see any reason to stop.
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Bella is likewise yummy and kissable! They could keep doing this for a while.

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Yep. They sure could!

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Sherlock sets up camp, such as it is.
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Bella isn't really thinking about that. She is thinking about kissing Tony and making cute little noises about kissing Tony.

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Tony is in full agreement with Bella's priorities here!

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Kisses kisses.
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Kisses kisseeeeeeees this is lots of fun they should do it more often.

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See, they'll have to talk about that, that's one of those context things, but they can carry on doing it this time for rather a long while.

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Okay. At some point, they really are going to have to stop.

Or at least sit down?

Hey, there's Tony's bedroll, they could sit on that!
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They could! Bella hasn't retrieved her own from her sleeve yet, so this is clearly the best option.

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Great. Perfect. They shall sit on Tony's bedroll.

And kiss some more.
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The change of position affords an opportunity to move her hands! Now one of them's resting on Tony's waist and the other's wound round her back.

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Those are both good places for Bella's hands. Tony approves.

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Where are Tony's hands, pray tell? Bella would like to pay some attention to them.
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Currently one of them is on the back of Bella's neck and the other one is on Bella's jaw.

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Good places!

Also this is - this is getting dangerously nice, Bella is not sure how long she can make out with a hot princess who has been carrying her a lot and has achingly good design sense, and not have inconvenient pining problems later if it's just this once. Maybe she should break off and get clearer answers to those context questions. Maybe. Soon.

Not yet.

Okay, now, really, if this doesn't stop now and then it does stop soon-but-later it's going to be a problem that is bigger than the problem of not wanting to stop.

Bella pulls back and withdraws her hands to herself and looks down and says "I don't know what happens later, and if the answer is 'nothing happens later, I look at the Skyvault and go home alone and never see you again' then I need to stop now or I'm going to be in a bad mood for a long time."
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"Huh?" says Tony, blinking.

She takes a moment to shift from kissing-mode to processing-words-and-feelings-mode.

"Um... I think more kissing happens later!" she says. "I would like more kissing to be the thing that happens later."
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"Yeah - but - how much later, is the question, I don't need a time horizon on the scale of months, I don't expect you to be a seer, but I don't want to wind up pining for somebody who only ever wanted to kiss me some over the course of a couple of days, does that make sense?"

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"...I don't know," says Tony. "I haven't really thought about it."

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"Okay," says Bella. "Um, let me know if you do?"

She scoots back to have enough room to get her legs out from under her and finds a place to put her bedroll. Over there.
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Tony will just be over here, blinking confusedly!

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"Did I... put something badly?" asks Bella tentatively. "Or... something?"

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"I dunno," says Tony. "Did I?"

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"I - no, I really like you, I just think that if it winds up being that we kiss a lot for the next two days and then I look at the Skyvault and I turn around and go home by myself and that's it and that was always going to be it, I'll wind up writing your name in my notebook a lot and then staring at it and frowning trying to figure out what to do about really liking you, and - I have made the amount of that particular tradeoff I want to make, now."

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"Oh," says Tony. "Well... I don't know what the other options are? But I don't like that one much either. Let's come up with a better one."

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"Um, okay. I'm pretty much - a free agent, you're the one who might have other stuff constraining your availability."

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"I'm, uh... not really that good at planning ahead," says Tony. "Actually I'm really bad at it."

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"Oh." Pause. "That might explain why you decided to kiss a random commoner magician female while on an ostensible quest for a husband, huh."

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"I guess?" she says. "I mean, I just really wanted to kiss you."

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"I was hardly averse to it myself. That's part of the problem." Bella mutters her cleaning spell before she puts her feet on her bedroll; she hasn't been walking all day, thanks to Tony, but she has been walking a nonzero amount, and barefoot. "If I didn't like you so much maybe I could kiss you as much as I felt like, assuming that this was still a nonzero amount, and not worry about accidentally engaging pining mode."

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"I like you too," says Tony. "I just don't know what to do about it. I mean, out of me and Sherry I'm probably the one with the better chance of actually finding a husband at some point, so... but I don't want that to mean I can't kiss you anymore."

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Bella makes a face. "There might exist potential husbands for whom it wouldn't mean that, but not necessarily for reasons of their personal generosity."

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She snorts. "Or I could just keep doing it anyway, it's not like it'll matter to the succession, you said you could probably get one of us pregnant with magic but I'll bet you can't do it by accident."

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"I can't do it by accident," agrees Bella. "But if you get married you probably should not cheat on your husband. A deadline like that is the sort of thing I'd want to know."

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"I don't know if there's a deadline like that," says Tony. "I don't know if this quest is even going to work! If there were any princes around here who fit the bill, I would've married one already and saved everybody the trouble!"

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Bella chews her lip. "I don't already have a window that does husbands. It's possible I could invent one and then you wouldn't have this problem," she offers softly.

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"...How do your windows work, anyway?"

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"Divinatory windows in general are witchcraft. They're like mirrors, but they connect to objects in the environment that meet certain parameters instead of to other mirrors."

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"So you could make a window that shows me the nearest person I could marry who'd do a good job of ruling the country and give me some kids to pass it on to?"

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"I don't think I'd insert a parameter like nearest - although I could include only a limited set of locations - and I'd have to be more specific about what doing a good job of ruling the country means and I'd need to know more about who you could tolerate well enough to marry, but yes, basically."

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"I'd marry you, if you were a prince," sighs Tony.

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"I'm not a prince. I'm not either of the component features I'd have to be to be a prince," says Bella.

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"Technically you don't have to be royal," says Tony, "our fire-witch great-and-so-on-grandma wasn't, she just spent some time as a dragon's princess and called it good..."

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"I don't think I want to move in with Kexan and do domestic chores for a year to qualify. No offense."

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"But that can't be the only way, right?"

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"The other way to become a princess is to marry royalty, which, problematically, would see me already married to some royalty," Bella points out.

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"Hm," says Sherlock.
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Bella blinks. And looks at Sherlock. And blinks again and tilts her head.

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"What," says Sherlock, "is your opinion of politics, again?"

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"I said it sounds fascinating and if I couldn't be a magician I'd probably go somewhere that would let me try it and do so," Bella says slowly.

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"There are two princesses available," Sherlock observes.

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"Ye-e-es. What are you thinking here, help me out, I don't know the details of princess rules except in a vague sense that I learned in another country."

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"You only need to be preexisting royalty in order to become a co-ruler of the kingdom," she says. "Marrying a person of royal descent makes you a princess in a sort of junior sense, from which point, if you went on to marry another, you could one day become a queen."

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"Whoa," says Tony, staring at Sherlock epiphanatically. "Whoa, hey, wait, you like her."

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Bella is surprised!

Also contemplatively peering at Sherlock, now.
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She looks down at her hands and smiles slightly.
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"What is the current queen likely to think of this notion?" Bella asks. "Assuming it is a real notion and not an idle notion."

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"She is likely to have concerns about the succession," says Sherlock. "And she will want to discuss your political aspirations in great depth."

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"Okay. Suppose I'm wrong about successiony things being a minor technical issue. I won't know for sure until I try and I won't try until it'd be a good idea for me to succeed. Then what?"

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"Well, I could just go find somebody to get me pregnant the old-fashioned way," says Tony. "Wouldn't be the first time that kind of thing happened in a royal family. Although it might be the first time the queen's spouse couldn't get her pregnant because they were also a queen."

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"I am developing a mental image of the political proposal. I'm kind of stumped about how to picture the domestic one," observes Bella after a moment.

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"You'd be... married to both of us? I guess?" says Tony.

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"Yes, see, that's what's puzzling me. Do I just not know enough twins, because I didn't think this was a way twins worked either, so maybe it's just you, or something?"

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"I do not get the impression that this is how other sets of twins work," says Sherlock. "But I don't consider that relevant."

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"So the way this particular set of twins work is that you would be perfectly okay to be both married to me," Bella clarifies. "...And the 'old fashioned' backup plan, about that, would this be if I were or were not married to you at that point?" she asks Tony.

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"I don't really know," says Tony. "I mean, if I was married to you and then we found out we needed to do it, I think it would be a bad plan for me to stop being married to you and then go and get pregnant and come back and marry you again."

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"Yes, that seems obviously silly," agrees Bella. "But, like, maybe this would go over better with parties who are concerned about succession if I married one of you and then worked on the probably-minor-technical-issue with that one of you and only married the other one if I got it to work? And if I can't get it to work then the other one has to find a husband, but I can do, you know, a husband window."

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"That sounds very practical," says Sherlock. "Which one would you like to marry first?"

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"I don't know!" Bella throws up her hands, laughing. "I only found out you liked me five minutes ago. I only found out Tony liked me beyond general flirtatiousness a few more minutes ago than that."

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"Well, I guess we've got time to think about it," says Tony.

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"Yeah. I will do notebooking." Bella unsleeves a notebook. "I think best in writing, thoughts can't escape from me if I write them down instead of trying to remember them."

Write write write.
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...Tony decides she is going to go to sleep now.

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Does she want a goodnight kiss?

Because the "next" question may not have been fully answered yet, but it appears to involve talking about getting married, so Bella thinks she can risk it!
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She totally does.

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Good! She gets one. "Sleep well," says Bella.

And Bella writes in her notebook. This page is shaping up to look like a two-column chart with things like "nnnng" and "design!" in one column and "2 days!!!" and "queen M?!" in the other.
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"I am going to take off my armour soon," Sherlock mentions.

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Notebook down, specs on, look of utter fascination.
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And Sherlock's armour peels itself off of her and folds up tightly into a neat little bundle.

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"Beauuuutiful," breathes Bella.

She practically dives into her notebook when the armor is all wrapped up in itself and her specs are back in her hat. She circles two things in the column on the left and writes under them "royal magic" and "sword" and then in the margin "boy am I ever grabby; to-fix?" and then in the column on the right "two of them!" and then in the column on the left "two of themmmmm".
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"What are you writing?" wonders Sherlock.

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"Uh, pros and cons, basically," says Bella, squirming a little. "It's a complicated subject, I have complicated opinions, I'm trying to break them up into little bits so I can weigh them and see if any of the cons can be patched and whether the pros add up to enough."

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"I see," says Sherlock. "Do you care to name any... bits?"

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Bella evaluates the contents of her page.

"The fact that there's two of you is in both columns," she volunteers after a moment. "I've never seriously considered a - plural arrangement before."
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"What is it doing in each of them?"

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"On the one hand, I really don't know how it'd work. Logistically. It's hard to be unreservedly pleased about something I can't picture. I mean, I have a naive picture but I am completely making it up. On the other hand, sparks and fumes there's two of you."

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"Presumably it would work much the same as being married to either of us," says Sherlock, "in turns."

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"That's about the naive picture I have," agrees Bella. "I dunno. Maybe it really isn't that complicated."

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"If you were expecting us to have trouble sharing," she offers, "you may stop expecting that."

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"Duly noted," murmurs Bella, smiling. "...Will I also be learning a valuable lesson about sharing here? I don't personally know anyone who's plurally arranged but it seems likely that some of the setups are more symmetrical than that."

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"...Ah," says Sherlock.

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Bella tilts her head. Pen poised.

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"You would," she says, "also be sharing."

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"With specific people, or just random individuals Tony feels like kissing, or what?" Bella asks, noting this in the left column with a question mark in the column.

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"Tony does often feel like kissing people."

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Bella writes this down.

"That's not a complete answer to the question, is it," she says quietly.
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"I need to think," says Sherlock, and she sits still and shuts her eyes.

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Not everybody thinks into notebooks. Bella doesn't pry, she just goes on writing things. ("Politics" and a little smiley face are on the left.)

She fills up her page, turns it, starts drawing a flowchart. "Sherlock?" she prompts when it's been a silent few minutes.
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"Are you likely to finish thinking about it before I go to sleep? I need to calibrate my impatience."

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"I do not know."

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"Should I just ask Tony in the morning?"

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"That," says Sherlock, "is an excellent plan."

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"Okay then."

Bella writes this plan down.

She ruminates a little further on pros and cons, and then she puts her light away, and her notebook, and shucks excess worn objects and snuggles down to sleep.

Then she sits up again.

"D'you want a goodnight kiss too?" she asks shyly. "Since you did just about propose to me and all."
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"Yes, I do."
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Bella retrieves her light so she can walk carefully over thataway and plant a sweet kiss right on Sherlock's mouth.

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Sherlock kisses back.

She is every bit as good at it as Tony.
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Oh yay!

But Bella does presently pull herself away, smiling, and go back to bedroll.

"Duck lily flute broomstick nightshade," she mumbles into her pillow a few moments later.
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It takes Sherlock a little longer than that to get to sleep.

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Bella is up circa dawn the next morning. Are there wakeful princesses about?

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There is no sign of Sherlock, although she is presumably nearby.

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Tony is snuggled into her bedroll, but she's awake!

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"Hi, Tony," says Bella. "Where'd Sherlock go?"

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"Away," says Tony. "She does that. She'll be back."

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"Okay. Last night I asked if I would be learning a valuable lesson about sharing, and -" Bella pulls out her notes to jog her memory. "She said that you do often feel like kissing people, and that didn't sound like it was a complete answer to me, and she said she had to think, and we decided I should ask you about it in the morning?"

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"Yeah," Tony sighs. "She said. That's probably something you should know, when Sherry doesn't know how to say something, she hides until she figures it out."

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"Okay. So, do I just - wait till she does figure that out, or are you going to tell me, or what?"

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"How to say it is not my problem," says Tony. "Whether to say it is. Okay... how good are you at secrets?"

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"...I write things down, but my notebooks are pretty well protected and mostly not interesting to anyone else, and I can not write things down if you need me to. I'm fine at not telling secrets but I'm better at lying by omission than outright."

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"Okay. Fine," says Tony. "The secret is, you will be sharing us with... each other."

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Bella blinks.

"I don't think I need to write that down to remember it," she remarks after a moment.
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"Yeah. And please don't tell anybody, because people get weird about that."

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"I'd imagine. I won't tell anyone."

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"Will you get weird about it?"

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"I... can't think of any reason to object, really. It's unexpected, but any number of answers could have fallen into that category. Not my personal speed, but then I don't have a sister or any cousins I much like, so how do I know."

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Tony smiles tentatively.

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Bella smiles back. "So, me, valuable lesson on sharing, done, cue cute repeat of the overture theme."

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...Tony laughs.

"You are the cutest!"
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Bella giggles. "I have serious competition, though!"

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Brightly: "So, I think we should kiss some more now."

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Bella does not even collect her non-sleeping-in clothes first, she just traipses (clumsily but not falling-over-ly) Tonyward and plops down beside her and kisses her.

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Tony snuggles up and kisses back.

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Snuggle snuggle kiss Bella's gonna marry at least one princess and this is pleasing and kisses are pleasing and snuggles are pleasing.

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Bella is pleasing!

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So is Tony!

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Why, yes! Yes she is!

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It's so good that they're agreed on this point.

Kisses kisses kisses normally Bella would be trying not to get too into this when Sherlock might reappear at any moment but under the circumstances she supposes few things could possibly matter less.
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Yeah. That.

Smart Bella.

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Someone begins making breakfast nearby.
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Bella notices, because she has ears, and she looks up and smiles at Sherlock. "All's well," she reports, and then she kisses Tony again.

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"I had noticed," she observes dryly.

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"Well, I could have been deceitfully seduced, but in fact I was not. Unless there is some deeper darker secret in ignorance of which I am yet operating."

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"You could not have been," says Sherlock.

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"You don't think so? Because Tony would not deceitfully seduce me, I imagine. I haven't gotten a lie detection spell to work without prohibitive bugs yet."

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"Good. Deceitful seducers probably aren't nearly as kissable." Kiss!

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Sherlock laughs.

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When breakfast is ready, kissing must pause in the name of eating; Bella puts her robes and hat and belt on too as long as she's not-kissing.

She is eyeing the princessly breakfast speculatively, but they still could easily not have enough food for a third person, she doesn't know.
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"You may have some," says Sherlock.

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Bella has some!

"Ooooommmmm this is good," she says. "I can't wait to see what you can do with a proper kitchen. A proper enchanted kitchen."
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"It will be spectacular," Sherlock agrees.

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"I guess if I marry even one of you I will wind up moving into the castle, huh," observes Bella.

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"Very likely."

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"I wonder how hard it would be to convince my entire house and garden to pick up and walk there. I made them myself."

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"That I do not know," says Sherlock.

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"Would that be objectionable, if I could manage it? I don't know how carefully ordered the grounds are and whether a magician house would unwelcome. I could possibly just also fold most of my rooms into the enchantment on the interior door, and then install the door someplace convenient in the castle, and have a majority of house with a minority of work."

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"I expect you will need to discuss the details with Mother."

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"That makes sense. I'll hold off on making plans, then."

When everyone is through breakfasting, Sherlock gets a kiss too. She has kissed Tony a great deal more than Sherlock so far. This cannot be allowed to last indefinitely, can it?
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Kisses! Kisses are nice. Sherlock is pleased.

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Excellent. Pleasedness all 'round.