She doesn't say anything for a few seconds.
"What?" murmurs Bella, tucking her book into her sleeve and picking her head up from Tony's shoulder.
"You want me to handle it? The window that does the lost tinkers' sons and so on does kids sometime, I can probably help him."
Bella extricates herself from Tony's arms with some reluctance and does not instantly tumble into a heap on the ground. "Where...?"
Yep, that's a lonely crying little kid. "Hi, there," she murmurs. "Are you lost?"
He sniffs, he nods.
"Have you tried asking a squirrel for directions? Squirrels are very good at learning how the forest moves around."
"I -" sniff - "tried! But it wouldn't help me."
"What? Why? Where are you trying to go, where do your parents live? Maybe I can help you."
He shakes his head.
"...You wouldn't tell the squirrel where your parents are supposed to be?"
"Then of course they couldn't help, they need to know what to give directions to. Look, what's your name?"
"Calemar, I want to help you get unlost, but I don't know where to unlose you to. Is it not your parents? Do you live with an aunt or an uncle or a grandparent or something and you got confused about the question?"
"...Are you not supposed to tell strangers where you live?"
"I'm not," sniffles Calemar.
"Even if he doesn't tell you where he's supposed to be - nothing about it?" Bella asks quizzically.
"But Calemar, you don't have to tell her anything, she can just lead you straight to -"
"No! Not supposed to bring people! I have to find it by myself."
"How long have you been lost?"
"A - a couple days," sniffs Calemar.
"Are you hungry?"
He nods.
Bella unpacks a sandwich from her sleeve and hands it over. He bites into it without inquiry about its properties.
"So you're not just generally suspicious of strangers," Bella concludes.
Calemar doesn't answer. His mouth is full.
"Why not?" Bella asks him.
"It's a secret."
"If it is not a secret from the trees," says Sherlock, "it is not a secret from me."
"The trees?" says Calemar with deep suspicion, looking at the tree that he has been sitting under.
"The forest," she says. "Trees and air and light and water and moss and dirt and rock. All together, they know things, and they have no secrets from me."
"It is much less safe for you to be out here on your own," Sherlock points out reasonably.