Bella laughs, and she reaches into her sleeve for some nibbles to breakfast on. "Always happy to dispense credit where it's due."
"Ooh, what are you cooking? I'm pretty helpless without my magic kitchen, myself, I always just pack enough when I'm on a trip."
Bella doesn't solicit any - she has her own and doesn't know how long they're packed for. Then she rolls up her bedroll until it fits back in her sleeve and tucks it away.
"Handy," comments Sherlock. Hers and Tony's both fold up considerably smaller than they look like they should, but there is no magic involved, just efficient design.
"Well, your bag will do it now too," says Bella, smiling and hauling herself up to her feet with the clever use of a tree.
"Yeah," says Tony, "but we didn't overpack for the trip, so we still have only as much stuff as it'd physically hold."
"If I had to work with that I'd never go anywhere. They don't cover weightlifting in magic school. I filled my gym credit on a broomstick - that was before my accident."
"I was kind of a daredevil on that thing. It didn't get me into trouble until I'd been out of school for a while. Got distracted at high altitude and a witch plowed right into me and I fell and had to spend two days in the healer's ward. I'm not scared of heights, now, just brooms. My broom was completely wrecked anyway, and they're not any cheaper than carpets - not if you get one that can fly and not one that just does, you know, floors - so I've just been saving for a nice rug."
"No, okay, I promise you'll find out eventually," she says, "I just have to..." She waves her hands inarticulately. "Stuff."
"Stuff," she agrees. "I really will explain later. When there is actually something to explain."
"Fair enough," laughs Bella. "Broomsticks are uncomfortable anyway, even if you do sit sidesaddle like you're supposed to, and I was never that reckless when I was trying to do tricks..."
"Very. I understand they're easy to enchant compared to, say, chairs with straps to hold you in nice and snug, but there are actually staggering numbers of broom accidents if you look at the per hatpoint statistics." Pause. "That being the witch-only term for per capita."