"Then I suppose 'whenever'? Which oddly enough makes our bedtime exactly the same thing."
Bella unclips her belt of pouches, doffs her hat, and takes off her moccasins. Her outfit looks much less witchlike with all of those objects sleeved, and when the robes also come off and get folded and put under her pillow and it's just the tunic and leggings they might as well be pajamas. She murmurs a spell that makes her remaining clothes glow pink for a moment and then fades.
"I didn't pick the color, but it's a cleaning spell," shrugs Bella. "Handy for traveling. I have changes of clothes in my sleeves but this works as long as I haven't actually spilled breakfast on myself or anything."
"Oooooh, warn me next time you do that so I can watch it with my specs on?" exclaims Bella, watching the armor fold itself up.
"You may also watch me put it on in the morning," she says, snuggling into her bedroll.
"I should warn you, according to Cricket I talk in my sleep, feel free to wake me up and make me cast a spell to muffle it if it bothers you," Bella says, stashing her light.
Bella is up at approximately dawn the next day! She shrugs her robes on and belts and hats and moccasins herself. If the twins aren't up, she will write in her notebook quietly till they are.
"If you want to watch me get into my armour," she murmurs, crawling out of it, "now is the time."
Sherlock picks it up and gives it a twist, fitting her hands into the depressions that appear when she does so. It unfolds itself up her arms, wraps around her torso, and clicks and shakes and rattles into place; she hardly has to move except to step into the boots. From the moment she picks it up to the last quiet click is maybe three-quarters of a minute all told.
"I'll have to compliment her effusively. Beautiful, beautiful - not just the magic but the mechanics and the way they interact - how late is she likely to sleep?"
"Effusive praise is my favourite thing to wake up to," says a cheerful mumble from Tony's bedroll.
Bella giggles. "It's gorgeous work," she says. "Probably the prettiest predominantly-dwarf spell I've ever seen - usually they go for blocky functionality but sometimes they don't and it's still the prettiest."