It is pretty and trim and green-and-cream and really ought not to be able to hold itself up like that, and yet here it is, somehow defying the laws of architecture. It is surrounded by a neatly bordered garden of ornamental and useful plants of all sorts: here vegetables, there herbs, there spell components, there rows of flowers.
There is a sign out front. It says only: Magic. Not, Beware, Magic or Magic Emporium or anything like that. Just: Magic.
Sitting on top of this sign is a cream cat with smoke-dark points of color on each paw, his ears, and his face and tail.
All in all, you could be forgiven for thinking that a witch lives here.
"Like, why you felt like doing that, how likely you are to feel like doing that again, and what reactions I could have that would still be pleasant to have had in a week and what reactions I could have that I would regret later?"
"I felt like doing that because you are cute and pretty and I like you," says Tony. "And I feel like doing it again right now."
"Ooh." Bella tilts her head invitingly, because if Tony's not going to be helpful about context she'll work it out herself but that won't be appreciably harder with two kisses instead of one.
Bella is not a complete novice here; her school was mostly girls (mostly witches; men can be, but usually aren't) and there was one she kissed a little bit, if not very much. Kiss!
Yeah, Bella notices. Bella notices with a little itty bitty unconscious noise in the back of her throat.
Bella's not sure what to do with her hands. Can she rest her forearms on Tony's shoulders and lace her fingers together behind Tony's neck? Can she do that with her hands?
Also she goes on kissing Tony. Tony's yummy and kissable and she does not yet see any reason to stop.
Bella isn't really thinking about that. She is thinking about kissing Tony and making cute little noises about kissing Tony.
See, they'll have to talk about that, that's one of those context things, but they can carry on doing it this time for rather a long while.
Okay. At some point, they really are going to have to stop.
Or at least sit down?
Hey, there's Tony's bedroll, they could sit on that!
They could! Bella hasn't retrieved her own from her sleeve yet, so this is clearly the best option.
The change of position affords an opportunity to move her hands! Now one of them's resting on Tony's waist and the other's wound round her back.