It is pretty and trim and green-and-cream and really ought not to be able to hold itself up like that, and yet here it is, somehow defying the laws of architecture. It is surrounded by a neatly bordered garden of ornamental and useful plants of all sorts: here vegetables, there herbs, there spell components, there rows of flowers.
There is a sign out front. It says only: Magic. Not, Beware, Magic or Magic Emporium or anything like that. Just: Magic.
Sitting on top of this sign is a cream cat with smoke-dark points of color on each paw, his ears, and his face and tail.
All in all, you could be forgiven for thinking that a witch lives here.
It's full dark at this point. Bella pulls a glowing knob of glass out of a sleeve; it throws her face into stark shadows but lets her pick her way across their chosen clearing to her bedroll and sit on it. "Well, it would be very kind of you to make me such a thing," says Bella. "...I think I mentioned that I am currently saving up for a carpet, though, so, I don't know what materials and labor usually run, but -"
"I'm a princess," Tony points out. "I don't actually need people to pay me for stuff. I'm pretty much just gonna do it to prove I can."
"How long after sunset do you two usually turn in for the night? I don't want to keep you up," Bella says, setting her glow-glass on her pillow.
"Then I suppose 'whenever'? Which oddly enough makes our bedtime exactly the same thing."
Bella unclips her belt of pouches, doffs her hat, and takes off her moccasins. Her outfit looks much less witchlike with all of those objects sleeved, and when the robes also come off and get folded and put under her pillow and it's just the tunic and leggings they might as well be pajamas. She murmurs a spell that makes her remaining clothes glow pink for a moment and then fades.
"I didn't pick the color, but it's a cleaning spell," shrugs Bella. "Handy for traveling. I have changes of clothes in my sleeves but this works as long as I haven't actually spilled breakfast on myself or anything."
"Oooooh, warn me next time you do that so I can watch it with my specs on?" exclaims Bella, watching the armor fold itself up.
"You may also watch me put it on in the morning," she says, snuggling into her bedroll.
"I should warn you, according to Cricket I talk in my sleep, feel free to wake me up and make me cast a spell to muffle it if it bothers you," Bella says, stashing her light.