Bella continues to creatively rearrange enchantment components to make spells of appropriate sizes. And to snuggle Brilliance; she also continues to do that.
Around them, a - place, takes slow piecemeal shape. It's not exactly a town, although people could live in it; it looks rather like a fantasy movie set. It is a positive riot of color, plants and buildings and landscape-type features rising up out of the sand and retaining some of its brightness.
Around them, a - place, takes slow piecemeal shape. It's not exactly a town, although people could live in it; it looks rather like a fantasy movie set. It is a positive riot of color, plants and buildings and landscape-type features rising up out of the sand and retaining some of its brightness.
"I have way more planned than I expect to need for my aura, in case I'm off about how much I need for my aura. Do I seem aura-y to you yet?"
"Not in any way I can tell," he says. "But - I think you could do a big spell now, if you wanted."
"Okay." She kisses the corner of his jaw, and composes a big spell.
"Say when."
And when he says when, she casts it.
"Say when."
And when he says when, she casts it.
"Do you maybe wanna take a break and have sex for a while," he says breathlessly when it's over.
"Sure," breathes Bella, squirming into a new position accordingly.
It is a very nice break. Brilliance enjoys it very much.
And eventually, he snuggles up again and says, "You can do some more enchanting now if you want."
And eventually, he snuggles up again and says, "You can do some more enchanting now if you want."
Good for him!
When they've been at it long enough that Charlie and Lexi are probably waking up to start the day, back home, Bella pauses and says, "Have I got much aura yet?"
When they've been at it long enough that Charlie and Lexi are probably waking up to start the day, back home, Bella pauses and says, "Have I got much aura yet?"
"Little bit means we're about halfway there," she says. "There's no reason it has to be even mostly continuous if you want to go do something else, though."