She knocks, to be polite.
"Hi," she says. "It's nice to meet you. I'm not really clear on to what extent you guys exchange information with each other, let alone what any given amount would mean for whether I should be generally behaving like I just met you."
"Well, that answers that," says Juliet. She finds a place to sit down and sits there. "I'm Bella, you can call me Juliet when that would get confusing."
"So I've heard. And I am Jarvis. Among Jarvises I'm known as New York Sunnydale; there's also Sunnydale, whom you've met, Sunnydale Apollo, whom you haven't, New York, and Malibu. But under most circumstances just 'Jarvis' will do."
"Fair enough. So, welcome to Sunshine. And being alive. I'm sorry it took so long for it to occur to anyone that Downside might have caught you."
Bella wanders from room to room, learning her way around this old/new Jarvis and looking for her boyfriend.
There's a third.
It features many open doors, one leading to what was clearly once Tony's bedroom, and one closed one.
The room on the other side is sparsely populated with slightly shabby-looking furniture. Sherlock is sitting on a couch with a violin in his lap, motionless.
"I guess it wouldn't." She snuggles up. "I'm sorry she's sad. Amariah seems to think that's - really worrying."