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Emily returns for the main event.
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Emily eagerly pulled on her headset again. It had been a month since the beta and she had missed Gates of Eternity. There was nothing quite like it. The customizability, the concentrated novelty, being able to try things she couldn't safely do for real. It really was a dream come true.

After a brief greeting from Veria, she declined the chance to change her appearance and absently setup her stat points then jumped into the entry gate. She rode the whirling roller coaster lightshow right into the training zone. A brief look around revealed that she was on the outskirts of the Sanctuary.

There were so many people. She smiled and waved to a few of them. She didn't recognize anyone immediately from the beta but that made sense, a lot of people would probably tweak their skins and also there were a hundred times more people in the initial launch than there had been in the beta.

She ran straight at a nearby climbing gym and jumped to grab one of the higher hand holds... then she fell and hit her head on the way down. ...Right her strength wasn't boosted anymore she'd have to get used to that.

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"Are you alright? That looked like it hurt."


She took a moment to shake off the momentary daze and patted her face to check for bleeding. Her hand came away clean. "I'm good, I might bruise a bit but no biggie."


"If you're sure."


"I am, thanks for asking though. Have a good launch day!" She turned back to the climbing gym and made a less ambitious jump to start back up. It was a bit harder than she was used to with the reduced stats but she'd practiced on similar structures enough time that she made it to the top only a little winded. She looked around a bit for the marks that tended to lead to secret passages in the beta.


After a couple minutes without finding anything she shook her head. "Guess they changed that," she muttered.

She spent another minute checking some other ideas before deciding to just go the normal way. She crossed over a rope bridge into a nearby treehouse, this time the lift shaft was where she was expecting. She took a couple deep breaths and then grabbed hold of the some of the handles on the lift line and held on tight as she got yanked upwards. She let out a yell that echoed a little in the shaft.

Half a minute later she let herself drop to the landing mats up among the canopy.


There were a lot fewer people up here. She could still just make out the people milling around on the lower branches of the trees and far in a couple cases even farther below back on the ground.

She took a bit to appreciate the view. All around her was the network of nets, bridges, lift tube landings, and the occasional cubbyhole or observation deck that made up the canopy. It wasn't the fastest way to get around Sanctuary but it was the prettiest. Looking towards the center the canopy petered away. It was replaced by the spires built atop the residential towers. The relatively spindly towers were connected by a web of ziplines, that were in her opinion the best way to get around Sanctuary. Sure the underground trains were faster but they were a lot less fun. Being up here was always worth it.

She turned towards the nearest spire and started to jog at a comfortable pace. Things had changed since the beta but that just meant there was more to discover.

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