"Jarvis?" she asks. "Are you beeping?"
Bella pauses.
"Sherlock's in Alethia. And we were pretty sure that only Jane was keeping all our time synced up."
"I'll see if going to Milliways fixes my necklace and if it doesn't I'm just forcing the door directly there." And she teleports rather than crossing the room to the nearest door and pulls it open.
She flares aura, and thinks of Alethia, and opens the door to Amariah's basement.
"Amariah!" she yells.
"Sherlock!" calls Juliet, hanging back; no point wasting a star to go through to the world without making herself a daemon if they're within earshot.
"Six weeks, three days, two hours, eleven seconds," he says into her shoulder. "I missed you terribly. And you should put the word out - daemonlessness wishes wear off after about a week."
"Yeah," says Amariah, coming down the stairs. "Hi, guys. Is this the first place you went?"
"Yeah, me and Juliet can get to Milliways without Jane anytime, we ran into each other, she told me Minus was here, I doored here - my Sherlock is checking the Belltower -" [Sherlock, how's the Belltower Janepoint?]
Juliet relaxes her hold on him briefly for the sole purpose of being able to squeeze him harder again without actually breaking anything.