"Invisible necklace sounds good to me. Would want it insubstantial too. Or, I dunno, Brilliance, would another amoeba-device be a good coin handling plan?"
"Hmmmm," says Brilliance. "You could put 'em in a barrier, I guess. But no way I'm making you a device smart enough to get 'em out again on command." He glances at the Joker. "Gimme some coins? I wanna try something."
"Cool," he says. The other two coins vanish. "Thanks."
"Gave myself a coin-sorting function," he says. "Our magic couldn't make one that worked the way I wanted, but turns out theirs can. Dunno what to do about you, 'cause you're not a device, but maybe coin magic doesn't care."
"Hmm. I'll have to think about how I want one of those to work." Bella reaches into her backpack and produces a notebook.
"Mine just lets me put coins into it and take them out again by size," says Brilliance. "And I can feel how many of what kind is in there, kind of the same way I feel how much mana I've got. Ooh, you should make it so you can feel how much mana you've got."
"That's a good idea. When I have a place to put a batch of coins beyond these three triangles I'll see about collecting some to spend on things like that."
"Okay, like, is there any reason for me to be in this conversation or can you just catch me up later, Bella?"
"I'll catch you up. I'll take notes so I don't forget anything," Bella says. "You go ahead and do whatever."
"You can give yourself a perfect memory if you want. Takes a hex." He pretends to pull one from Brilliance's hair by sleight of hand, then tumbles it idly over his fingers. "Wonder if you can copy the Bell standard from here."
"...Oh, kickass, I want to hug all of me," she says when the coin goes. She closes her notebook and stuffs it back into her backpack.