"Mm... you're pretty much right about that," he says thoughtfully. "They do throw parties whenever they find another one. Huh. I hadn't thought of that before. Us Jokers, if you leave us alone together long enough, we end up in a permanent slumber party. But with more sex."
"Well, of course finding more of us is worth celebrating, it's more resources to share and more stuff to do," says Bella. "All good things. And a chance to show off and meet each other's friends. It's funny that you go by Jokers," she adds. "When Brilliance was split up - did he tell you about that? - the part of him that had his personality in it was the jokers of the deck."
Bella leans back in her chair. "You could maybe," she says, "tell Lexi - or for that matter Brilliance - whatever you're thinking about telling me, and get their help deciding whether I should know," she suggests.
"Mkay," he says. "So, when I met Stella we didn't get along too well. Long story short, she decided I was dangerous, which I was but I'm not so much now. She introduced me to Alice anyway, and me'n'him went up to my room - you remember I said I go to Milliways in my dreams?"
His aura shows her the Joker blinking at Stella in a cottage very much like this one, on an asteroid very much like this one.
"I wasn't any kind'a magic then. If she left me there, I was gonna be stuck for life. Which was the point, of course. And you mighta heard, we Jokers, we don't do too well in isolation. So I asked her very nicely, could she please put me to sleep again to check if I could still dream Milliways, and if not, could she stick around to keep me company while I killed myself."
He pauses here to observe her reaction.
Bella nods, slowly. "She probably agreed to do that unless there was some kind of emergency elsewhere," she says, "right?"
"Mhm," says the Joker. "So there I was with Alice again," his aura shows them cuddled up under a blanket that probably did not appear in the actual scene, "and I told him what was up, annnd he got very upset."
"Well, she'd been talking to him when she was gonna go do it," says the Joker, "and she just said she was going into somebody's world for a bit, didn't say why. And even though it didn't happen that way, I could have just disappeared and never come back, if it'd turned out I couldn't get back to Milliways from there. And he only woulda found out I was dead whenever she bothered to let him know. And he loved me."
"So the problem was that she didn't warn him - not that he somehow didn't know who he was with and realize that sticking a dangerous person on an asteroid was exactly the kind of thing she'd do?"
"Yep. So y'know, not that I expect it to come up, if you're ever gonna do something that might kill somebody Brilliance loves, make sure you don't blindside him with it."
"Not if it's one of us," he says. "And I don't know who else he'd love that you'd be trying to kill."
"And Alice asked Stella not to do that again and she said yes," he adds. "And then they were fine."
"Mm, don't think so. I'm pretty sure you can figure out all by yourself that he doesn't like people trying to control him," says the Joker. "None of us do, but he's got it bad even compared to baseline."