Brilliance is most of the way through the jar of jellybeans, chomping on them contentedly one at a time.
+...Okay, keep me posted? The anxious thing is probably bad, let me know if there's anything I can do about that.+
+I mean, I know you're not gonna fuck with me on purpose, I just don't... know it. And - I dunno.+ He glances up at the Joker with a thoughtful expression.
+Lots,+ he sighs. +I love this guy, he's awesome. I think I'll stay with him tonight, okay? I'll see you tomorrow morning.+
And then it is night, and there is sleeping at night.
And then it is morning. +Morning, Brilliance.+
+Morning,+ he says sleepily. +I can sleep now! Sleeping's fun. I cuddled with the Joker all night.+
+I am glad you like that most infuriatingly unproductive function. I should probably excise it in myself,+ Bella snorts.
+If I wanna to to sleep, I get sleepy and then sleep like a human and then wake up and I'm not sleepy anymore until the next time I want to be.+