She does like having wishes.
Nathan's gonna go see how the pile of Jokers is doing, after handing Kerron over to Elspeth.
The pile of Jokers is getting along just as you'd expect! They have convinced the castle to produce a bed big enough for the whole pile of them and then some, and they are all cuddled up on it, talking and laughing and kissing and doing various related activities.
Amariah looks for her sweeties and inserts herself thereabouts. "Hi sweeties. All us Bells have wished up powers like Rose's but we have to do lots of enchanting to get auras like hers."
"I wouldn't mind some'a those special effects myself," he muses. "Whaddya say, hon? Would I look cute as an enchantress?"
"Sounds like a quandary," observes Nathan. "Takes five years' worth of a Bell with no other magic but enchanting to get a Rose-sized aura."
"You think Pattern's gonna want Saturn enchanted instead of wished into behaving like a habitable planet?" asks Amariah. "That's a good idea."
"I imagine Pattern's going to want to do some enchanting herself for her own aura, though."
"Saturn's a big planet," says the Joker. "And we can visit my old asteroid while we're there!"
"Is it a nice asteroid?" inquires Nathan. "As such things go? Pleasant tourist destination?"
"Oh, it's a cute little place. You should come see it sometime," he says, hugging Nathan.
Everyone else snuggles a little bit closer, not quite all at once. He closes his eyes and smiles.