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Weeping Cherry visits the darkest galaxy
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They spend minutes in quiet discussion, talking about who they are, and who they want to be.

Eventually, the topic shifts, and they start talking about social conventions instead.

"... for more consensus. Do you think we could make a, a sort of dosimeter?"


"I'm still not sure we want anything as potentially divisive—"

Xanthoceras cuts herself off as her fixity crystal sends her an alert.

She gives Yew a quick kiss on the top of her head.

"This was good; we should keep doing it. But also, I think I'm about to have company."


Yew sits up.

"Alright. I'm going to write up some reference documents, I think. Be safe."


"Be safe," Xanthoceras echos.

She sits up as well, back in her body, one foot trailing in the water.

Her fixity crystal paints a marker on her HUD, and she peers into the distance. Yup, that's a plane, and it's definitely headed their way.


A jet-helicopter is approaching the location! It currently doesn't have a siren on, or any other kind of Arbites signage, or really any ID at all, for that matter. There aren't any visible weapons, though this thing has non-obvious built-in guns and they weren't exactly disarmed.

The crew includes a single cyborg girl, offgrid, currently beaming radio messages that are indistinguishable from noise, without distinguishing between directions.




"...and the cult leader's hat, as far as I know, still orbits around the New Tau Ceti. I, personally, have never bothered to track it down, and I can't imagine any of the dozen or so people who know about it to be interested."


"How fascinating! Once I do all the things I plan to do, it'll be easy to track it down, you know?"


"And that's how I got the position I now proudly occupy."


"Proudly. Hmm. It seems weird, to me, to take pride in... all this. It's certainly interesting, and I am sure that the archivists or archeologists of the future will look upon your work with great curiosity... when they stop screaming of horror, that is."


"Horrifying it may be, but it is also entirely necessary. We cannot let these kinds of threats spread, lest our very souls fall to obliteration and damnation."


"Is it? Your precautions appear fairly weak and unsystematic, and so your fears are vastly exaggerated. They sound much like a fearful primitive quaking before lightning, not understanding it's origins or purpose and reacting with superstitious paranoia. No offense."


"You are vastly overestimating yourself, here. People like you have thought themselves invincible before you."


"I do not think myself invincible, you know. I am taking all the sensible precautions. But if you want me to take more precautions, prove that they are needed. I am not one of your fearful subjects, and I will not close my eyes and plug my ears at your first command."


"Well, I can cite you our records, or show you the state of the worlds that flail in their conviction, or-"


"Nonsense, Lupa. You are continuing to drip-feed me information. You are afraid to reveal your real fears, and afraid to share your real advantages, aren't you?"


"Y-you realize I can't simply de-"


"And you haven't even asked him of his motives, yet!"


"what is that"


"An another diplomat, of course! Welcome to the conference, Ipsisselia!"


"cherry, she is a-"


"The pleasure is all mine, darling! I have written down a list of trade offers my civilization is willing to offer, and I am eager to start equalizing some prices! I am sure that as Warp natives, we have a lot of novel information, goods and services to offer you!"


"The feeling is mutual! I hope to establish close partnership and cultural exchange, whatever novel challenges a partner on a vastly different plane of reality might entail!"


"Right. Let me look at this list here... so many things, where to start..."


"For starters, I think us sharing all our knowledge on the nature of Warp would be worth about... half as much as a universal fabricator?"

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