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She doesn't grit her teeth. He doesn't know. 

But this is dangerous, she can feel it. 

She reaches, feels for the faultlines in him-

"Bet my life you could?"



“I would if it came to it. Would it?”

Her own father would not go as far as to… kill her. There is no such kind of monster.



"It wouldn't be the first time."


He stops dead in his tracks.

Fuck, the maid–

He carries on walking, though his feet feel light and the world seems to spin around Galora. “Ahem. What you just said is a Draconic slur. No worry, it is an easy mistake to make, but what you really should say is this.” 

“He has– tried? To– take your life?”

His voice is barely above a whisper. 


"Not mine, but others. In our estate, mostly, it is easier for him to hide it there."


“…We have to do something. With your testimony, we can have him arrested. My liege lord has already offered his aid.”


She shakes herself, internaly. 

She was getting carried away. 

-she's already had to change the plan. Maybe... hmm. 

Maybe. They'd be more likely to exile him than kill him, but... hmm. Exiles are easier to murder. 

But this plan has so, so much downside risk. 

How to communicate that to Ambrose?

No, wrong question, what is wrong with her, how to make him do as she says...

"It's too dangerous while I live with him. He's clever, my lord, I do not know much of his ties to the Queen but he is very powerful."


“Very well. But I cannot allow you to continue to live under his roof.”

He is only taking her word for it. She has no reason to lie, it would only put her at further risk, and it isn’t like she needs to trick him into falling in love with her. That has already happened.

He trusts her. And– it has not been so long, he knows this, he has always had a sensible head on his shoulders but–

He loves her, too. He’s pretty sure of that.

But at the very least, even if this isn’t real, even if this ends up being some kind of childish fantasy, though he is a grown man now – if he is going to save anyone, he will at least save her.

And he knows exactly what he needs to do. There is only one way to protect her now, only one way to take her away from the danger. Only one way to shield her from the monster.

“Miss Kreel,” he says in the common tongue. Slowly, meaningfully, he stops her.

And, right there and then, he gets down on one knee before her.

His mother gave him this ring the moment she heard of this courtship. He hadn’t expected he would need it so soon, but this is so much bigger than just summer love.

It is beautiful. Expensive, no doubt. The diamonds reflect in Galora’s sea-green eyes.

“Miss Kreel,” he begins again, his heart in his mouth. “I know that we have not known one another long, but I cannot pretend any longer. My feelings for you overwhelm my every waking and sleeping hour. I cannot accept the thought that you will not be mine – mine to cherish, to love, to protect. Please – put my heart to rest.

“Marry me, Galora.”


For a moment all thoughts leave her head and it's all she can do not to just seize him and kiss him. 


With titanic effort she pulls herself back together. 

That was fast. 

Good. All right. If she's married she can be out of her father's house - he won't be angry at this, this is the plan as well - 

He'll be more wary of her than he would have been-

No, this is an opportunity, to look in love, besotted, weak-

Unless he's thought of that too.

He could do - something - this very night.

...Gretna Green. They can't live together yet, but they can run away, be married, escape. 

The Deneith family will probably not censure him. And just in case - she has the money she stole, the investments. 

It's time to go.


Tears come to her eyes and she lets them, and she smiles and gasps "Yes!" and takes the ring and- she can't hold back any more, she doesn't even let him stand before she takes him and kisses him.


He kisses her back, spins her, laughs giddily into her lips.

She tastes so sweet.

Tears prick at his own eyes, This was the right decision, this was the right decision–


People around them begin to clap and cheer. Several young ladies look at the men next to them and start glaring.


She is not so crass, but she will squeeze Lord Bridgerton's hand a little and sigh slightly. 


She just embraces him for a long moment. 

Whispers in his ear.

"Thank you."


He holds her tightly, marvelling at how perfectly his arms slot around her waist.

No. No, Galora, you owe me nothing.”

It is with a tremendous effort that he lets go. He gives the crowd a small smile and a shy little wave, before returning to his… fiancée.

His fiancée.

“…I believe we must tell our families now, correct?” He has not actually been engaged to anybody before. “Oh– perhaps you could come to tea tonight. My mother has been kicking herself to meet you.”


She smiles. "Mary, see to it that father is informed, will you?"

She can't go back there - it feels like stepping off a cliff -

"I would be delighted."


He beams at her; draws her in and – oh to Hell with decorum – kisses her again.




The Deneith home is nothing like the Kreel estate. It is warmer, brighter, with fascinating ornaments and carpets and colours and incense from beyond the sea – and though Ambrose is nervous to speak to his parents, he is not afraid

“Mother. Father. I… come bringing a guest.”

He is hand-in-hand with Galora, their fingers interlaced. 


For the first time in... a long time... She can feel some of the tension leave her shoulders.


She curtsies exactly properly and smiles and greets them.

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