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Well, so be it. 

He carries Ophel to bed, and sleeps. 



Voltur awakens to an empty bed.


He rolls out of bed on sheer instinct, head whipping wildly around, a dagger already in hand-


He tosses it down, and it sticks and vibrates in the floorboard. 

He left, of course. Ran away, again. 

He scowls. 

He thunders downstairs. 



"Your Grace. I regret that I was not present to awaken you when Lord Ophel departed, but passers-by indicate that he left shortly before dawn, in something of a hurry. I took the liberty of procuring a lock of his hair, in case you should wish to require that your Court Wizard attempt to scry for him."


He deflates. 

"I see."

"No, thank you, Talen. Good morning."

He returns to bed. 



It is a cloudy morning, but warm, and the sun shines through periodically until the wind spirits decide that they are bored again. That is good enough.

Galora’s maid chaperones them, walking twelve paces behind. Ambrose can speak more freely out here, out in the open air, but if he knows anything now, it is that the maid will be reporting every word she catches back to Lord Kreel. He still has to be careful.

But Galora is on his arm, and everything feels right in the world.

“You look beautiful, Miss Kreel.”

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