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They arrive together, in the same carriage, and are met with strange looks when they both step out. The ride to the Huntingdon estate was quiet and frankly quite awkward. For the most part, both of them simply peered out of the small windows of the carriage and pretended the other was not there. 

Ophel has never felt awkward before. He tries very hard not to think about the events of the other night. It is… difficult.

They separate quickly when they enter the garden, where the ball is held. Voltur spies him speaking with a gentleman he recognises – the lord he saw sneaking out of Ophel’s home some time ago. 


Eloise bounds up to Voltur in an instant. “How is he?!” 


He tears his eyes away from Ophel. What the elf chooses to do with the gentlemen of high society is none of his concern. He knows a little now of how particular the ton can be about anything pertaining to "family matters", but he cannot bring himself to care. 

"The dragon? Sleeping, still. Wrapped in your cloak, in fact. Lord Ambrose is... watching over him. How have you fared?" He still thinks they should just tell Vio- Lady Bridgerton. He'll get used to the names thing eventually. 


“Oh, good.” She releases a breath she hadn’t known she was holding. “I have been… well enough, I suppose. My family did not notice I was gone, although I think Benedict suspects my muddy shoes. I have been wishing to be back with you.”

Hearing herself, Eloise quickly amends: “To help with the matter of the dragon, of course. No other reason.”


He gives her a curious look. 

...How exactly is he supposed to respond to that? 

"I see. I hope they are... well." I hope their dislike for me has lessened a little, for both our sakes. "Your presence would be greatly appreciated, and not only because you are the only person our young friend seems to tolerate." He shakes his head ruefully. "I do not suppose you have had any more bright ideas for escaping our current, ah, situation?"


“Oh, they are well,” she waves a hand dismissively. “…Actually, there is something I have been meaning to ask you. You see– they say the Queen is going to show up tonight. Perhaps if you could– well– ask her if she has any thoughts about my treatise?” Her eyes are so big. “As a friend?”


He raises his eyebrows. 

"I will be surprised if she does. It is her way to imply more things than she promises. But if she does arrive - then yes, of course I will. In fact - I had better introduce you to her, so you can ask her yourself."


“Me? Speak to the Queen?” Her voice is small.


She walks by, making sure to size Eloise up with a glare.


She glares back, before reverting her attention to Voltur. “Well, I suppose I… Thank you. How does one talk to the Queen, again? She is… terrifying.” 


He smiles and nods to Cressida. She turned out to be a rather pleasant girl, in the end. 

Then he turns back to Eloise. "Hmm? Oh - well, Her Majesty always knows more than you expect her to, so don't let that bother you. She had a right go- er, she rebuked me for 'being too deferent to get to the point' once. My usual tactic is to just be use as few words as possible. And don't look her in the eyes, the woman- ah, Her Majesty could win a staring contest with a basilisk."


She nods. If she could take notes, she would – unfortunately, the only bit of paper she has on her right now is her stupid dance card.


He dashes in, panting.


"Ah, Lord Ambrose," he says, smiling warmly even as his heart starts to pound. He'd had misgivings about leaving the dragon unattended - decided he really couldn't miss the ball - he raises his eyebrows at his Court Wizard, "I trust that all is well?"


“What? Yes, yes, all is fine – the housekeeper is taking care of it. I cannot believe I fell asleep,” he laments.

He turns to Eloise. “When can you introduce me to her?”


“To who?”


“…Miss Kreel.”


“Oh!” With everything going on, this had completely slipped her mind. “Um… I suppose whenever we see her?”


He beams.


Yes, of course she is perfectly capable of draconic childcare. 


He takes a deep breath, lets his heartbeat go back to normal. "I see. I am glad that all is well. Would you like to point me in the direction of her family, that I might discuss matters with them in your favour?" He cannot believe that he got a Court Wizard for this. He cannot believe a lot of things about the ton. 


Ambrose grins at Voltur and practically shakes his hand off. “Yes! Yes, Your Grace, thank you.”


She is speaking to a rather elderly gentleman, whom the heat and excitement of the ball seem to be on the verge of overcoming. 


Ambrose swallows, his mouth suddenly dry. He nudges Eloise. “There. There she is, that’s her.”


“Yes,” she huffs. “Yes, I see her. You speak to her family, Your Grace, while I go and facilitate Lord Ambrose making a fool of himself?”

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