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He looks at Ophel for a moment. 

"...We need to decide, swiftly, exactly what is to be done with it. Who will have the best chance of guiding such a creature to - I am not certain if it may be considered Her Majesty's subject, but at least to fear the gods and, well, not become like its sire. My Court Wizard suggested the castle Silvermoon, but Eloise disagrees. And with no offence meant to your noble profession, wizard, I am not sure a den of magicians is a proper place for a child."


He watches Eloise carefully.

“I do believe the best candidate is already in this room.”




“Yes, my dear. You.”


“But– how am I supposed to hide him from my mother?” She whispers, covering the dragon’s ears.


“She does raise a good point.”


"Can you not simply render the creature invisible or some such thing?"


All three of them look at Voltur like he has just uttered the stupidest thing he could have possibly said.


It looks at him and cringes back under Mother's wing. 


He's a difficult man to embarrass. "What? Is that not what Court Wizards are for?"


He opens his mouth to launch into a detailed explanation about the mechanics of maintaining such a feat of Illusion magic for such an extended period of time, with various extraneous factors to consider such as the dragon increasing in size and the practicalities of taking care of something you cannot see, not to mention the fact that it would still have a physical presence on the world and would still end up being rather difficult to hide long-term.

He shuts his mouth, and instead settles for: “Magic doesn’t exactly work like that.”


He tries not to roll his eyes at the Dukeling. “Yes.”


“I am still not hearing a solution, people.” The dragon has made its way onto her shoulders. She is having to lean against a table for support.


It flares its too-stubby-short wings dramatically and tries a terrifying-bellowing-calling-roar.

It squeaks.


He sighs. 

"Perhaps we ought to bring your Lady mother into the fold, then. If she can be trusted to keep quiet."


Oh, it’s so CUTE–


Even Ophel smiles fondly at the small thing.


She is in the middle of fussing the little dragon as she replies to Voltur, speaking in a baby voice. “Oh, she would never let me keep him, would she? No she wouldn’t! No she wouldn’t!”


Ambrose clears his throat. “Maybe we should keep it here for the time being, and Eloise can come and visit? Just until we make sure it wouldn’t pose a danger to the Bridgertons.”


“And I do believe the creature still needs a name.” He comes to stand next to Voltur.


It clings to Mother with its claws. It is enjoying this. It does not intend to be separated from her. 

It seriously does not intend this. 


"...I do not know any dragon names. Wizard?"


Thank goodness for Ambrose’s protective ward, otherwise that would really hurt. “Ow– ow, I do not think it wishes to be kept from me.”


So, what, he has to name a dragon now???

Names are powerful. He should probably avoid calling it anything like ‘Man-Eater’ lest that come true.


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