"Mrrh huh? Sue?" says Aegis, sitting up and blinking. She spots Shell Bell. "Whoa. Whoa. What happened?"
"Hi, Aegis. I'm Shell Bell," says Shell Bell. "This is Milliways. I have no idea how you got here."
Sue will notice that Aegis's mind is still declining to respond to him, even though she is clearly awake and doesn't look like she's mad at him.
"Well," says Shell Bell, "I could just mint you and give you some starter coins. I don't walk around without plenty of coins on me since that unfortunate missed opportunity with Juliet. But I want to know how you got here, because coins don't cut it with getting into Milliways at will - Juliet can do it but she can't expect to reliably meet anybody no matter how many times she visits. It kills our ability to coordinate."
"Yes please to coins. Jane's a - a computer-person. Apparently she can also put me in Milliways? Sue-my-bird, can you catch me up real quick?"
She frowns and rolls up her sleeves. Sure enough, there's a puncture mark inside her left elbow.
"People keep fucking drugging me. They must've shot me full of C-12 or something so I couldn't link you. Coins please?"
The wall is gone. Not just back to normal, but gone. "There. How's that?"
"Oh well done Jane," murmurs Aegis, aloud and through the link to Jane herself both.
"This is amazing," murmurs Shell Bell. "If she can take you anywhere - look, Sue, can you get me into the link too, or is the star wish blocking you?"
Shell Bell contributes some serious brainpower to the link. She's not Jane or the hive queens, but she's boosted.
They should see if Sue can link between multiple worlds, and not just between a world and Milliways.