There's fighting on Eros.
Aegis knows a little about Earthside politics, but not all that much: what matters is that several factions want to capture ("rescue") Aegis and Sue. (Or, as they are collectively being called on the nets with no consensus about which of them is which: "War and Peace".) The rest of the jeesh are in trouble too.
Aegis and Sue have been locked in their room for their own protection, and Sue has received conflicting orders about which contingent of soldiers he should be psychically helping.
"Okay. I will return as a co-queen of the afterlife," says Juliet, and she kisses him and teleports to join her counterparts.
[Let's do this.]
[Let's do this.]
I've been to Golden's and to Angela's, but not Amariah's or Stella's. Sue, you've been to Amariah's, haven't you? Shell Bell asks, heading for the door and pushing a wish that it lead to Milliways.
Let's see if you can get the door to take you by asking nicely. Some people can. If you can't I can make a star safe for you and you can try forcing it like I did to Juliet's.
Here Ends This Thread