"Imagine how much fun I'll have trying to make one," he amends.
"We hardly ever get even evils that way, let alone the next thing up," Isabella points out.
"All right. I'll try to sing especially prettily," says Isabella, kissing his forehead.
The Gathering on Ysral - not the first to be attended by an angel, but the first to be attended by more than one - also goes predictably.
The Gloria goes predictably as well, with much lovely singing by this angel choir and that soloist and this orchestra (and of course Linus and his angelica Naomi). The children's choir that Nathaniel belongs to is featured.
As soon as the last note of the Gloria is sung, it is officially disbanded.
"I think so too. It's my favorite time of year. Did you want to talk to me about something?" she asks, getting up to push open the door that will lead from this part of the Eyrie pavilion to the next. They haven't left the Plain of Sharon yet.
She sighs. "This is called Milliways. It's a restaurant. We can go in, if you like."
"It's a magical restaurant," she says, because it's probably better to tell him that now than when someone he recognizes turns out to be someone he doesn't expect, or until Bar appears food. "It connects a lot of different worlds together. Sometimes different worlds have the same sorts of people in them, so you might see someone who looks like somebody you know, including me, or Micaiah."
Why, look! It is someone who looks like Isabella! She is holding hands with a girl.
"Yes. That's Shell Bell and her girlfriend Sherlock. In here we have nicknames, since our real names are all a lot alike, and that's hers. I just go by Angela," says Angela. "Hello, Shell Bell! Hi, Sherlock!"