[I... warned him. Not in specific, but I explained why Shell Bell reacted the way she did and about alts. He wanted to know if he was going to be punished; of course I said no. He could still easily turn into someone else. Shell Bell said it could be 'just Downside' - that maybe Voice is only the kind of thing that happens to Nathaniel's template if they spend goodness knows how many years stuck there. We can't assume Nathaniel's going to turn into - anything bad.]
[Except that, and - paying attention.] She grimaces into the empty room of the pavillion. [And taking apart Downside, when we can.]
[This room's empty. If you can get away from any company you're with you can teleport right in.]
Hug. [I think Voice may have simply - never have been rescued. Not everyone comes out of terrible households the way you do.]