"So you're some sort of nobility?" She asks this quite neutrally.
"Of where? Was the castle originally -" She waves vaguely. "Hereabouts?"
"Of the forest," he says, "and some land around it. I never paid much attention to the size of the family holdings, and I don't remember our name or the name of the march anymore. I think... the castle used to be at the edge of the woods."
"I don't remember reading about a local marquis gone missing, but then, maybe you were at the opposite edge of the woods from Les Fourches, or the magic covered for the possibility that someone would go looking for you."
"I wasn't the marquis when she cursed me. Not in any way that mattered. My father died because I killed him," he sighs. "Killed him and set the castle on fire and ran away. Did you read anything about that?"
"...I read about a marquis's castle up by the source of the Sequine River that burned," she recalls. "They didn't think there was a surviving heir, though, if I remember right."
He shrugs. "In a way there wasn't. I hardly think I could claim the title after all this time."
"Perhaps not. Especially without a way to prove your identity. What did you use to look like? Do you have a portrait somewhere?"
"Maybe. I need something to practice with, if I can't send Charlie a message." She tries to remember if she's seen anything like that.
The Hedge-witch had 'To Look Upon the Past', and the Discerning Enchanter had 'To See True Form or Nature'.
"You want me to channel this one through you?" Belle confirms, reading through the instructions.
She drops into her meditative state and sets about looking for it.
Not surprisingly, it looks a lot like this castle.
But unlike in the real castle, the climbing plants swarm over every inch of stone.
She has to be able to send the spell through it somehow. She inspects windows.
But the castle's front door - apparently, in this vision, the garden doesn't count as in his mindscape; the outer wall just plain isn't there - is clear of green things.
Push -