"Are you going to exist for good? What if someone finds you, what if something happens to you?"
"What in the world is this thing you're being? The avatar of the concept of huggableness?" Aegis asks, hugging Ivy.
"I can tell you're fluffy all right," says Aegis, and she buries her face in Ivy's fluff.
"Thanks," murmurs Aegis, trailing her fingers through deep-pile fur.
"You're going to have to hide practically all the time," Aegis murmurs to Ivy. "There's no animals aboard the asteroid, even bugs. There's not even livestock in with the 'ponics except for some fish. The meat is from vats."
Aegis yawns. "At some point I'm gonna have to stop petting you and go to sleep," she says.
"...Sure," says Aegis. "If you want to. I move around in my sleep a lot so you don't want to be anything fragile."
"Okay." Aegis ruffles Sue's hair, and then picks up Ivy and carries her over to her side of the room. She shuts her desk and slips under the covers, hugging Ivy like a stuffed animal just the way Sue first was.
Aegis wakes up, and her arms are empty. She sits up and pats the bed - "Ivy?"
She changes uniforms for the day and picks up her Russian novel again.