"Welcome to Sunshine," says Juliet. "And to my front porch and whatever you do don't hit the light, it'll set Sherlock on fire."
"...Can't decide whether that's awesome or scary," says Tony, and he starts going over the walls and muttering to himself.
(Shell Bell is so gone over Sherlock. She's not making any effort to conceal it.)
"It's apparently what other Bells hear about me before they meet me, is that me and my Sherlock are adorable," giggles Shell Bell. She switches fingers again.
"Do help yourself to the squares," Shell Bell adds, nudging the pile that's accumulating in a rain from her entwined hands with one foot. "To make your power tools and whatever."
"You're welcome," says Shell Bell. "It doesn't hurt that bad, though, low end of squares, it's not a big deal."
In the morning, it finally occurs to Shell Bell that she can put them all on the brainphone network without an extra coin expenditure. So she does, and then she follows Juliet to school, invisible.
At Study Hall, Juliet leads Shell Bell to the library, a running conversation in her head, and - this isn't as much of a revelation as her being the Slayer is, which she'll save for after school. He's already met one of her doubles. "I met a couple more mes and brought one home," she tells him casually. "Can you see this one too? She turns outright invisible."
Shell Bell turns visible and waves. "Hi, Mr. Giles, it's nice to meet you. I'm Shell Bell."
"We know of six and there's no reason not to expect more. Me and this one and Amariah who you met, and Golden and Stella and Angela. I've met all of them now, I think I might be the only one who has - some are close, but Amariah and Angela haven't met Golden and Stella hasn't met this one." She sighs. "Unfortunately, I was caught in the bar without my big magic-coins, so I can give out lots of little ones that I can make myself, but I can't give away my kind of magic to anyone outright, I gave everything big to Angela and my girlfriend who makes most of the coins for me is home asleep."
"It is. I could explain in more detail but apparently you have librarian sensibilities?" Shell Bell says. "But I can do a few things without coins with stuff I already have set up, like turning invisible and flying and also I can add people to a telepathy network that'll go on existing even if I leave, do you want on that?"
"To using the coins? None at all, as long as you're good at designing wishes, and we absolutely are. The coins are just - tricky to make."
"Oh. No, not really, if someone annoys you on it or whatever you can put up a busy message and then on your end it's like it's not even there. It only supports text and talking, not, like, mind-viruses or anything."
"Me," says Juliet, "Shell Bell and someone else we brought home from the bar, and a friend of mine you haven't met. So for your purposes, me."