"Welcome to Sunshine," says Juliet. "And to my front porch and whatever you do don't hit the light, it'll set Sherlock on fire."
"Thank you," says Sherlock. "I am very fond of not being on fire. It is a state I intend to maintain."
"I agree completely," says Juliet. "Now let's go scope out the brick place and see if it's suitable for squatting in while we work out obtaining it."
"I drive careful, if no demons attack and the people in back hang on they'll be fine."
"I can teleport. With passengers. And I'm sped up and if we fall out of the truck I'll just put us back."
Juliet drives. Shell Bell and Sherlock go in back, Tony in the passenger seat, and she takes them to the brick building.
This used to be a bakery, and then it was converted into a house, and then it was abandoned and most of the windows were bricked over. It's dusty, but the extra bricks served their purpose and nothing seems to have moved in.
Shell Bell triangles away the dust, waving her hand so her companions know it's her doing it. "Looks squattable," she says.
"I will need coins," says Tony. "I need, like - power tools, and I'm gonna have to rip out some walls, and install all kinds of shit..."
"They can do it tonight, but if they're squatting, and don't need anything from me, I can just go back home, yeah?"
"Can and will," responds Shell Bell. "Go sleep. I - here." She makes another square and hands it over. "This should wake you up enough to let you drive home safer."
The square disappears and Juliet blinks, perked up. "Thanks. I'm gonna go before it wears off. Night all."
Shell Bell bends back her finger again, and appears her squares off her bandolier for Tony's use. "Are you crashing here or back wherever you normally live?" she asks Sherlock. "I bet you're going to move in here eventually because of Jarvis."
"I don't have to sleep at all, copied that from Stella," says Shell Bell. She frowns at her hand and switches fingers.