Sherlock is usually very puncutal. He's only one minute late, but that's still not quite as punctual as usual. Bella peers out the window, not yet allowing herself outright concern.
"While I am listing his faults, he also had your parents assassinated," says Sherlock. "And that one I expect is common to our worlds. I am not going to eat him; I would rather starve."
"Alt of the president of Panem who Amariah killed for me, yes," says Shell Bell quietly.
"Considering putting him down, now," says Golden, glancing between her counterparts.
He turns to Obie.
"Anything to say for yourself?"
"I'm not the one who invited a vampire from an alternate dimension into my house," Obadiah says mildly.
"Stop deflecting," Tony says sharply. "You were like this after that other time too and it's getting really fucking old."
"I don't know what you want me to say," he says. "The clone has never exactly been stable."
"Mine's not a clone," says Shell Bell suddenly, sharply, "and I don't think she'd be arguing for you to go on living either if she were here."
"And he wants to fuck you," Sherlock adds. "Yes. Everything I have told you about him is the truth. In my world, after I found out he arranged that collapsed road, he hired a gang of vampire assassins and concealed them in our basement. They killed you and Jarvis and turned me."
"You want another square?" asks Shell Bell, biting into her cheek. "You wanna check? Square'll give you a short burst if that, but I bet it'll let you check." She offers him the mother-of-pearl coin, not taking her eyes off Snow-Obie. "Maybe I'll get Golden or Juliet to break my arm ve-e-ry carefully..."
"...I don't want you to break your arm," says Tony. "But I want to know what's going on."
"...That... is actually a pretty good idea," says Tony. "Fuck. Jarvis, can you get Sherry on the phone?"
Golden continues holding Sherlock, because her arm isn't tired and Tony hasn't asked for him to be set down yet.
Juliet... finishes her sandwich. And drops loosely into a ready pose, because while not much is likely to happen and Golden can probably handle anything that does better than she can, this seems like a good situation to be ready for other possibilities in.