"You mean what format do I get the thoughts in, or in a broader sense?"
"Either - both. I don't know. Maybe you shouldn't tell me in case the answer is no and I have to refuse the offer."
"That was a less strange question. It was only one step away from something some oracle has to answer once a generation anyway," demurs Angela. "I really don't think Alleluia likes me. Why else would she send me all the way to Mount Sudan when I'm from Bethel? If she thought I was - I don't know, evil or irresponsible or something, then I assume she'd have felt comfortable telling Delilah that I oughtn't be spending a year with an oracle at all, since they're old friends, but it was clear that she didn't like my company - or something. I'm certainly not sure why. We had a long conversation when I was first asking to study with her that seemed to go fine."
"Then why did I wind up with Peninnah instead of her, when she had right of first refusal?"
"...A crush on me? Alleluia is famously devoted to her husband... though I guess I should stop making assumptions about what that means. I know she takes students she likes. There's several acolytes from the village she grew up in who she's known a long time."
"That doesn't mean she wouldn't tell Delilah that I'm suffering from dangerous flights of fancy if I fly to Sinai and ask her if there were such a thing as magic, would Jovah forbid it?," says Angela.
"Peninnah's a woman. And it would take her much longer to get to Monteverde, let alone the Eyrie, and she's known me for a solid year and knows that I'm not - insane."
"...If you don't mind Alleluia thinking you're insane, then that would work. She saw the glowing Kisses and it won't seem odd if I'm willing to ask weird things on your behalf," acknowledges Angela slowly. She kisses his hair. "You're sure that's okay with you?"
"I could disguise myself and ask, or Sherlock could even without a disguise beyond the rock in the arm thing," offers Shell Bell. "We have no longer-term reputation to worry about."
"That's kind, but I'm a little concerned that Jovah's answer will differ depending on whether the petitioner's an angel, or already has magic, or something, so if the answer is supposed to be something I'm going to rely on I think I'd better ask as myself, even if blaming Micaiah for the idea is safer than claiming the question as my own."
Angela's wing pulls him a little closer so she can lean her head against him. "Thank you," she says.
She flies down the stairs and sticks her head out the door and says, [Hey, Tony, met a new me with a new copy of Alice attached to her. Want to meet them?]
"...Do you want to come back to my world now? I'm afraid once we're there, I won't be able to show you around right away; I was on my way to a harmonics slot I'm supposed to sing."