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"Kas couldn't do it," says Micaiah.


"It could also be because she's a witch," says Angela.


"I think I'd want to know more about what I'm looking for, soul-wise, before trying to design a power to see it," muses Shell Bell.


"I wonder how to nickname us," Sherlock says thoughtfully. "We might need to have a conference on the matter."


"Why would you need a conference? We're all settling on unique names without trouble," says Angela.


"I don't know how you picked yours, or where 'Juliet' came from, but mine's a nickname I've had since I was eight, and Stella and Golden both have... empire themes, of sorts, that they just extended to their nicknames, and Amariah just picked the other piece of her name. The Sherlocks don't tend to have empires with themes, or nicknames intended for general use - not unique ones, particularly - or much name variation. I mean, my Sherlock is surnamed Stark and the other one we met isn't, but calling her Stark wouldn't work because that's all the Tonies' last name. So they'd have a little more trouble hitting non-redundant targets."


Sherlock nods.


"Juliet is something Juliet's Sherlock calls her. I got the impression it was a reference to something," says Angela. "And on my world, 'angela' is a polite thing to call a female angel, like 'ma'am' or 'lady' - it's not ideal but I couldn't think of anything else and I'll at least turn my head when someone says it."


"So, as I said. A conference."


"Or you could each let your Bells name you and hope the one who doesn't have a Bell lands on something else, if we're the ones who are different enough to come up with different things. I didn't name Micaiah, but Amariah named Kas and his daemon. And I don't know where Alice's first name came from, but Whistle and Swan are clearly borrowings from Stella."


"I have no idea what I'd call my Sherlock, if I had to think of something," laughs Shell Bell. "The only thing coming to mind is 'Valentine' after that dreadful holiday and I don't want to call you that."


"I don't know, I think it's charming," she says.

Shell Bell snorts. "Put in a request for it at your conference," she suggests, chuckling.

(She doesn't read Sherlock all the time by default - there's far too much to track if she wants to concentrate on anything else and Sherlock isn't explicitly slowing down for her - but she can tell when her girlfriend is making a deadpan joke.)

"Dreadful holiday?" asks Angela blankly.


"If you ever see Milliways decorated in red and pink and white and this shape -" Shell Bell gestures - "run. It's celebrated with little darts of mind-altering drugs that make you fall in love with whoever you're with. It was horrible. It showed me what it'd be like to be in love with Sherlock so I could do it on purpose later, which is lovely, but the experience itself was terrifying and you've already got your Whistle."

Micaiah hugs his angel again.

"I don't want weird holiday drugs making you fall in love with me," he says.

"I don't want weird holiday drugs making me do anything," says Angela, folding a wing around Micaiah. "That sounds utterly horrific. Whose idea was that?"


"If we knew, they'd be very unhappy that we'd found out," says Shell Bell lightly.


(Sherlock smiles in agreement.)


(Shell Bell kisses her cheek.)


"I see what Amariah meant about you being adorable," muses Angela.


"They aaaaaare," says Micaiah.


"...Is that what goes around about us, 'keep an eye out for Shell Bell and her Sherlock, they're adorable', not... 'and then there's Shell Bell, her empire is called Atlantis' or something?" giggles Shell Bell.


"Pretty much," says Angela.


"Out of all the things we could be known by, that one's not so bad," says Sherlock.

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