"Got it," Bella says to Roberta.
[Bella,] Alice reminds her, [he's me. I don't want me broken either.]
[Alice. You will notice that I do not drink blood and I am not married to a man a century my senior who always looks like he's auditioning for Most Angsty and I don't have a kid or theme my empire around my eye color. He's not you. He's like you. He could've been you, maybe. But he's not the same, and it wouldn't be great for you to grow up to be just like him. He goes around killing people.]
[I love you,] he says. [Look, it's different. You don't think of you as you but we think of us as me.] A slight pause. [Fuck, that was incoherent as damn, did you get it?]
[She's me in different circumstances. I know a lot about her. But we've had different histories after roughly the point where we moved to our respective Forkses. We can respect each other's decisions even if we haven't had to make the same ones.]
[So maybe it's not that different,] he says. [This guy is who I could be in ten years if I wasn't magic and in love with you. I get him, and he gets me, and I trust him. I know he's gonna hurt me, I know he's gonna mess me up, and I know he's gonna make sure I'm okay after.]
[How do you know that last part?] Bella insists. [If I met someone with my face who'd taken up terrorism I would not trust her, even if I found her fun to talk to.]
[You're not me!] says Alice. [You couldn't take up terrorism and still be you. I could take up terrorism and still be me. If you're not okay with him because he's the kind of person who might do that, then you're not okay with me, because the only reason I know I won't is it would make you sad and I love you and I don't ever wanna make you that sad.]
[He's the kind of person who reacts to having feelings for someone by kidnapping their loved ones to see what they'll do,] Bella says. [Are you that, too? And he isn't just like you except for having not met me or found magic! You were eighteen when you met me and found magic and he diverged before that and I don't know why.]
But then he remembers the very first moment he fell in love with her, before he really knew anything about her except for that single word she'd only just said to him. And he can see how, if she had turned out to be a completely different person, if he had turned out to feel differently about her than he does...
...well, he doesn't know it, but the picture building in his head looks a lot like the Joker's relationship with the Bat.
He likes what they really have better than that.
Except apparently they're not going to have it for very much longer, because she keeps trying to tell him the reasons she hates this guy aren't reasons that are true about him and they keep being true about him, and fuck he is just going to cry now.
She didn't really plan to say that last bit, but it happened, and she's going to let it stay there.
That was unexpected.
[Okay,] he says. [I love you too.]
He really, really does. He's practically bubbling over with it. And still crying, but it's good crying now, snuggle-down-and-love-everything crying.
[When do you think you'll want to come home?]
He kind of wants to be hugging Bella right now, but he doesn't just want to up and disappear on the Joker, and if they start talking again he just knows he's going to get distracted. With sex. Or feelings. Probably both.
[There's someone whose world I'm planning to visit briefly,] Bella says. [I don't wanna abandon you if you want me around right now, but if there are no circumstances under which I ought to pull you out of that room - especially since I apparently can't - then you don't need my supervision, and I wasn't doing it for my entertainment. Do you want to just meet up in Moonstone Palace?]
[If you don't wanna listen, don't listen,] he says. [Sure, I'll meet you back home. Love you.]
Bella cuts the read.
She sits up straight. "Does now work for you?" she asks Roberta.
Bella gets up. "This might take me as little as half an hour," she says. "If you really don't have any magic there, I can send him to sleep and wake him up by magic by way of testing whether he goes to Milliways from the asteroid or not. If you don't want to hold the door that long, that's fine, we can wait for another door - how often do you find them?"
"It varies," says Roberta. "But when I've let people through for a visit, it's been pretty good about coming back at a convenient time."
"Okay. If I get held up, I will pop down and inform you. You want, like, a book or anything?" She waves vaguely.