"Well, we're both very busy people and I don't think we have any more substantial issues to cover right this second. Do we?"
"Nothing springs to mind. Want to be on the telepathy network?"
"I think that would be extremely convenient," she says, "thank you."
"Later," she adds aloud, and teleports back to her office in Marspire.
About half an hour later, Libby asks, [How do you feel about Mary the precog as your banker?]
[Is she disposed towards banking? I imagine being a precog would give her an advantage as an anything, banker included.]
[Sure,] Bella says. [She okay with being on the brainphone network?]
Bella adds her and makes a call. [Hullo, Mary, this is Bella.]
[Hi, Bella,] says Mary. [Good to meet you. Libby was going to say something about a job?]
Bella laughs. [She thinks you would be a suitable banker.]
[Magic Martian banker,] Bella says. [How much did Libby explain?]
[Very little. You have a magic empire, you might offer me a job, she thinks I'd like it. She's right. What does a magic Martian banker do?]
[Fill up the immigration officer or her employee's account with asters when it runs out, so she can exchange asters for dollars. Move asters around according to where they belong. Probably other stuff. I am not precognitive or an expert on banking, it just seemed like a job I ought to delegate.]
[So a magic Martian banker runs the magic Martian bank,] says Mary. [Fun. Sure, I'll do it.]
[Cool. Have yourself a root access to the system. I will be displeased if you pull crap with it,] Bella says.
[Good good. I suppose you can tell without even bothering to ask -?]
[Yep,] Mary says firmly. [Don't ask how. I don't like talking about it.]
[Then next time you're going to ask me a question I hate, I'll stop you sooner,] she says. [You're going to do it a lot.]
[Don't ask me how I work,] says Mary. [If there's something about what I can or can't do that you really need to know for some reason, be going to ask me it and I'll tell you.]