"Less frustrating than spending an indefinite amount of time trying and failing to weasel it out of me? Yes."
An apparent non sequitur: "Lazarus seems very convinced you don't want to destroy the world."
"I realize that you have already thoroughly implied that you've been comparing notes on me with Lazarus, but English has a lot of phrasal curlicues to move conversations along that do things like retread past content," says Bella.
"Either that, or I don't have his permission to reproduce the contents of our exchanges to third parties," Bella says pleasantly.
[You've come up in conversation with Libby,] Bella informs Lazarus. "What, right now?"
"Because he lives rather nearer to you than I do," Bella goes on.
"So," Bella says conversationally, "should I just operate under the assumption that you can read everyone's email, or are you not quite that spy-ish?"