"Do you have any plans for the world besides not-blowing-it-up-or-letting-anyone-
Because she thinks "yes" would be the wrong answer.
"Maybe in a few years, when you've demonstrated the necessary level of responsibility," says Libby. "Planets are like puppies that way."
"I wonder how squares are at long-distance conjuration, I haven't played with that really," muses Bella. "Could put a flag on it so I can prove I was there first if pesky astronauts appear."
"Interesting. I wonder why. Pentagon could manage Mars, if I wanted to spend one on frivolity?"
"True," she says. "But on the other hand, I don't know what you know. Except I'm pretty sure you've either been warned off sevens, never managed to make one, or haven't gotten around to using it yet."
"So far I haven't decided to solve any problems with coins that I couldn't handle with smaller ones," Bella says slowly.
"Don't use a seven," Libby recommends. "Even if it looks like a really good idea. They backfire habitually."