"Good answer. Unfortunately for you, I have no idea. I've been doing it since I could talk."
"It's a lot easier to figure people out when you can have a conversation with them."
"How much of that is nonverbals and how much of it is just exchanging words in real time? I assume at least some of it is the former or you could do it on the phone, and some of it is the latter or you could do it by further spying. But I'd be interested by a guess at a ratio."
There's that question, and the superset: to what extent is it a magickable skill? Presumably it could be done - but adding skills doesn't have negligible personality effects. Bella was pretty well suited to install perfect recall and cognitive speedup. She's not sure how well person-reading would graft. This is similar to why she hasn't made herself an Alice-style super-masochist.
"Oh, I'm sure it's a learnable skill. Lots of people learn it, with varying degrees of success. I just happen to be naturally talented."
"I'd think you'd be curious about where any particularly well-educated students were coming from, at least."
"So you're pretty sure that your reading people extends to reading their literacy?" chuckles Bella.
"The way you think is fascinating," Libby remarks. "What do you imagine it might not cover?"
"I bet you don't know my motorcycle's name," Bella says. "Or if you do, you learned it in a spy way and not by deriving it. I'm just wondering where the line is between that category and the other - and if there are more than that."
"I don't know your motorcycle's name, but if I'd thought about it, I could probably have guessed that you might name your motorcycle. Does that answer your question?"
"The categorical division between things it's possible to find out about somebody by chatting with them and things it's not seems perfectly obvious and self-explanatory to me, but of course you don't see it the same way."
Bella is back a few minutes later.
It is a longer second than most other specimens.
By the time Bella returns to their table, Libby has another cup of coffee and is looking very much like someone with something delightful up her sleeve.
"None whatsoever," says Libby, "and you're not going to care. Do you have a lie detection power, and if not, would you like me to spot you a five so you can get one temporarily?"
"If you're offering to let me lie-detect you, I can spot the pentagon," Bella says slowly, "but are you sure you don't want to see if I'll believe you on the strength of the offer alone, first?"