[Of course. Cookies first.]
[Cookies are tasty. Broken coins are not tasty. What do I even try? I could hit one really hard with a hammer, I guess.]
[Try hitting one with a hammer if you like, try wishing one broken with others of various sizes,] Bella instructs.
"If all mints are as reluctant to make more mints as the mints I know, and there weren't that many to begin with, five is a pretty reasonable number."
"Perhaps I should make some more," she replies.
"I'd really rather you didn't," says Libby. "Failing that, I'd really rather you did it cautiously. You are, as you've mentioned, insufficiently paranoid."
"Good to know. I don't suppose there's any chance you'll run your candidates by me?"
"It'll depend on the candidate, I imagine," Bella shrugs. "You're not introducing me to all your friends."
"You're not claiming special expertise in judging people, and I'm not doing anything that might need it."
"Well," Bella says. "I don't have anyone in mind right now. Perhaps I will never run across such a person."
"Don't get me wrong, if you run across someone who genuinely should be a mint, I have no problem with you making them one," she says. "I just don't have a lot of faith in your ability to tell."
[Interesting,] Bella tells Alice, [thank you,] and she says to Lazarus, [Hex will not break so much as a triangle. Is that relevant to my backup plan notion, or a side question?]
[Side question. I have no idea what to do about your backup plan. Can't hurt to know more things, though.]
"Ideally, every mint should be a person who absolutely won't blow up the world," she says. "Less risk that way. And also someone who won't, say, conquer the world and add all dissenters to their collection of carefully preserved human skulls. That sort of thing."
[Agreed,] she tells Lazarus. [Knowing things is good. I think my current emergency protocol is the film thing, then. It would also make Alice less miserable than my other idea, which is a fine side effect as long as the goal of safety is accomplished.]
"I believe you'll be careful. I don't believe you're going to spot all the skull collectors."