"I won't take exception to you asking, but I also won't say yes, and if I did I would pick a less public location in case someone got the wrong idea."
"Anti-spying ward doesn't cover that, then? But all right, sure, not everyone invincible is going to be as cooperative about playing with it as Bridget."
"Would it net me any interesting secrets if I volunteered to occasionally serve as an interpreter-who-already-knows-about-
Bella names... most of them. "Most of the major Romance languages, German, Greek, Arabic, Russian, Polish, Turkish, Hindi, and Mandarin. And, you know, English and Python and Lisp and stuff."
"I don't need German," she says. "And I already know an interpreter who knows about magic and speaks Russian. But you might be more convenient than Lazarus now and then."
"Cool," she says.
"How do you go about finding ingots? Do they appear on your globe too?" Bella asks.
"Of course you will," she sighs.
"Both of us, really. If you were very patient, I could just tell you that if you hang around me long enough, you'll pick up plenty of secrets, and that would be that."
"Even if I were very patient, I might not believe you if you told me that," Bella points out.
"I'm not seeing it," Bella says. "I don't think Bellas come in 'patient'."