[So as long as you're trapped in a warehouse with nothing in particular to do, wanna meet my font-of-hexes?] Bella inquires. [He's endlessly amusing.]
[Conference call,] Bella says musically, including Lazarus and Alice both. [Alice, this is Lazarus, he who may perform sinister experiments on you if we can ever get him out of the box. Lazarus, your would-be test subject if you can ever get over your squeamishness.]
[Hi!] says Alice. [Good to meetcha. Don't worry, I don't bite. Unless you're into that.]
Bella's amused. [Try not to discomfit him overmuch, please.]
[Let me put it this way: Lazarus, when Alice found out about Bridget's power, his first instinct was to be very sorry for her, because she's missing out on his favorite thing. Alice: I have already been asked not to describe any "unsanitary" methods by which you could generate large coins.]
[So, yes,] Bella says. [Discomfiture. It could happen to you.]
[Say,] says Bella. [I described Kolya as your "roommate" - but now it occurs to me that I might be mistaken? Is he your boyfriend instead?]
[Yes, but in English it is not customary to refer to all cohabiting people as roommates, just the ones who aren't dating or related.]
[Okay, I suppose we've established that you don't wish to be informative,] says Bella dryly. [Since currently you are in an abandoned warehouse waiting for Libby-or-whoever to... I don't know, get out of traffic.]