Bella orders swordfish and Renée orders salmon, and then informs Alice that it's her treat and he should get whatever he likes.
"What do you do with your time?" Renée asks Alice. "You look a little older than Bella. Are you going to college in the fall too?"
He wonders if he's going to end up explaining to her why he is independently wealthy at eighteen.
"He likes to sew," supplies Bella, "and cook."
"Ooh. I'm taking a quilting class at the moment," Renée confides.
"It's very fiddly work!" laughs Renée. "But I'm enjoying it, yes, and my sewing machine got a nice dusting-off, and the quilt will be warm even if it isn't terribly pretty."
"Yeah, it takes a while to get to where it's actually any good. But you do get there!" [Can I brag about our dresses?]
"I keep putting things down before I'm good at them," laughs Renée. "Haven't any patience."
"I know the feeling," Alice assures her. "But it pays off, I swear. You wouldn't believe the dresses I made us for the end-of-year dance."
"Goodness! I would never have guessed it was homemade - so carefully done, you must be so proud of yourself," says Renée.
"I really, really am," he says happily. "I just love making pretty things, you know?"
Bella swipes one of Alice's shrimps.
To Renee, "Maybe I will! That would be kinda awesome."
Dinner concludes pleasantly, and Renée asks Alice if he has somewhere else to be or if he'd like to come see the house.
So they all go to Renée's house. "Are you from Forks originally, Alice?" Renée wants to know.
"It's pretty great," he acknowledges, although the highlights he thinks of are probably not things he should tell Renée.
[Mom doesn't like Forks much,] Bella says.
[How much should I lie about why I moved?]
[Lying's unnecessary - just omit. "My parents were looking for someplace quiet and out of the way", like that. She won't pry, she'll move on.]