She learned Urdu on the way east, and she has not yet decided to risk traveling visibly in heavily Islamic countries anyway, but she zips around the city looking at things, playing hide-and-seek with Alice.
Also, when they catch each other, there are hugs!
Bella has not yet killed the need for sleep - she's considered it, but she doesn't yet have quite enough things to do to fill the time. (She'll see if the novelty of making out with Alice wears off or not before declaring that to be "enough things to do".)
She finds a flat roof - of a business, not a house - and sprawls out, conjuring a mattress and a pillow half-consciously.
The next day she traverses Iraq and Syria and Turkey, and checks into a hostel in Greece.
Bella travels around Greece for three days, using a fair amount of standard transportation to do it. Then she takes a boat to Italy.
At the end of the trip, when all the passengers disembark, many of them are met by locals or fellow travelers waiting at the docks. There is one nondescript Italian fellow standing a little apart from the rest, peering anxiously at everyone as they get off the boat, as though he is looking for someone he doesn't know well and isn't sure of recognizing.
Next is Switzerland!
[Damn,] says Alice, pulling up to hover beside Bella's window.
[Huh. I could wish it fixed but I don't know who's looking at the broken part, if anyone - could be obvious - I'll wait for the announcement, I guess, I'm sure there'll be one.]
The announcement, when it comes, cites engine failure of unknown cause, promises the attention of onboard mechanics to the problem, and apologizes most sincerely for the inconvenience to travelers. Alice isn't sure he believes it, at least not about the last part.
Bella starts wondering how long the wait is going to be. She consults her map; if they're within vaguely plausible hiking distance of a town she might just ask to get off here.
Eenh. She'll wait for four hours and then seek someone to ask for disembarkment permission.
They are now farther from the town.
Well, the fact that they were able to get it started at all suggests that they have an idea of what's wrong, now. They'll either fix it, or determine that they can't fix it and have to send another locomotive to pull them out of the way of other trains, soon enough.
[I'm going to sleep,] Bella announces.
Bella goes to sleep, and manages to stay that way for about five hours, and then wakes up and looks out the window to see if they are moving.
She has already been to France, so she goes through Spain on her way to Heathrow (a bus breaks on her, but it's on a densely traveled route so everyone can just cram into the next bus), and then she flies to Florida, where she will spend a week with her mom before popping up to Forks for one more week and then going to school.
It is genuinely the first time he has thought of the question.