" - yes, I do. I will get my Rebecca first, though."
"I do! I am told you do too, though you still have not sung me anything."
"I would like it very much. I have an alt who wished upon the most powerful magic we have to be the best singer in the multiverse and yet I do not find my appreciation of other people ruined."
"Okay!" And she clears her throat and sings a song from her planet about city birds building nests and eating crumbs and looking at people through their windows.
Awww. He pets her hair even though this obviously distracts him more than her.
He would love to spend the evening kissing her and singing in the garden.
Elsewhere Macalaure's designated delegate for interacting with reds visits her demon neighbor's house to sing to his daughter, who is five and possibly a little bit spoiled, and asks while she's there which buildings that condescending orange guy visited, and then goes back to Warp and teleports in and knocks.
A little old lady whose hair is still violently vermillion answers the door. She squints at the Elf.
"With the government and their contamination rules, you mean? I'm not going to go back to this planet except to visit red districts, we are very committed to not antagonizing your governments." Well, there was video of Prince Canafinwë and his red lover on the evening news, but it's not like this place gets the Ambaróna evening news. And it's not like impulse control is a strength of the royal family.
"I don't know how much of this he explained, but there are a lot of aliens, and different planets form organizations together to fund big projects like colonization and exploration and humanitarian work. All of the organizations expect their member nations to meet certain standards, and Tapa is happy to meet those standards except the ones that are about not oppressing reds. We talked to them about it for a while and they seem like they'll be really hard to budge, hard enough to budge that we're tempted to just move you somewhere else. But forcible and coerced relocations are totally out of the question, so we won't move forward with that solution unless it's what you want."