" - yes, I do. I will get my Rebecca first, though."
"Did Mom not explain - we were leasing a child credit, if we missed a payment Katin wouldn't have one -"
"She said you needed the money, I had no idea - oh, Peka - oh, Katin - are there other babies in danger -"
"Not that many. We have perfectly good birth control, orange boy just didn't, y'know, warn me."
"That's a hell of a phrasing - uh, my species is not cross-fertile - I should have -"
"- it's summertime, now, I can't get pregnant in the summertime. I guess if this planet has different seasons I might re-cycle but this short a visit won't have done it."
Nod. "If you want more kids while seeing my kind of Elf a demon can do it, we don't have population controls."
"They do kids too? Gosh. Demons sure are a thing. I dunno, I'd wait till Katin was at least two."
"Our general anti-aging fix has worked on all Warp - your dimension - humanoids tried so far."
"They're great - we met a species recently that aged and died before hitting three of your years."
"Yeah. One of the things I work on is a immortality thing that scales better. But you and your family can have them no problem."
"Uh, gosh, am I a consultant? I don't know if I'm cut out for consultancy. Or what standards 'fixed' is supposed to match."
"Uh, I think the standard is 'no suffering for want of material things that can be straightforwardly provided, no one living in fear of - being randomly murdered or attacked or evicted - and a process for everyone to remedy wrongs they experience, a real process they believe in and expect to produce redress.'"
"Okay, so, like, we have poverty - my family's actually well off for reds, just wasn't budgeted for surprise baby especially since if you get credits aftermarket they're marked up - uh, there's the war, there might be more wars, I'm not up on geopolitics - population controls more or less murdery depending - there's a police brutality thing, mostly a problem for us and maybe purples I don't know - you will probably have a problem getting reds to trust you unless you trot me out and kiss me at them, and then nobody else will want you around -"
"Won't trust us just on general 'authority is always bad news' principles, or -"
"Kinda, yeah, everybody thinks we're garbage, why wouldn't aliens too, everybody's going to tell you we're garbage and they have university degrees and fancy titles, why wouldn't you believe them -"
"My brother has red hair, would it help any if he went - he might have to fork for it, he's very busy, but I bet he would if I asked -"
"Could go either way. The hair isn't actually what - like, Katin's is orange. Mine used to be white. We're still red, the hair's a - standardized advertisement -"