A planet spins in the void, pestered by moons and emitting radio. Music, television, Internet.
"Terraforming's a reasonably well-developed science by now, but it has limitations, and of course we've never had to worry about seasons in particular. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the exchange of ideas," he says.
"My main concerns as I think about how to establish contact between Amenta and the rest of the wormhole nexus are making sure the Cetagandans don't get to you before everybody else, getting you in touch with the people who will be the most help to you as quickly as possible, and making sure you have a good foundation for smooth galactic relations in the long term. So far it seems like you'd get along pretty well with Beta Colony, if they can be encouraged to get over their flinch reaction to the caste system; I'd also like to find out who's got the most room to accept immigrants right now so I can point you in their direction."
"It's a nice place. Very - stable, well-regulated, egalitarian, democratic. Galactically famous for cutting-edge technological development and a high standard of living. The Betan Astronomical Survey Corps is also famous but less broadly so; most people aren't interested in galactic exploration in the first place, it's not such a pressing concern for us."