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"You get to pick, though, and you don't have to sit through the teacher going over boring stuff when you got tired of math ten minutes ago and want to be working on something else instead."


"Yeah. I'm not sure why more people don't homeschool."


"Well, it's a big time and effort investment on the parents' part, is I think most of it."


"My mom does help but I do a lot of reading and practicing on my own too. She could do less stuff if I took more lessons like with your grandpa, like if I was learning an instrument or had a math tutor."


"I think tutors are usually expensive when they're not independently wealthy massive nerds who want nothing more than to impart a love of their subject to the next generation."


"I guess. I haven't learned all that much about economics yet."


"I haven't learned anything about economics yet."


"Well, you aren't in school all the time, if they won't teach you you could teach yourself at least a little."


"School takes up enough of my time that I spend practically all the rest on magic or reading novels."


"Novels are pretty good."


"They are! There are some kids in my class who say they don't like reading, I think there's something wrong with them."


"Maybe they can't read very fast or have a hard time thinking up pictures and sounds to go with the story or they haven't found any good books for some reason."


"Maybe. I think that qualifies as something wrong, though, if they have a handicap that makes them not like books, or if they haven't found any good ones, that's something wrong too but an easier thing to fix."


"Yeah, I guess so. Maybe it's not anything wrong if they like other things so much that books are not very high up on the list, if they just really like music and skating and art museums?"


"I mean, museums of any description do not seem to be on the list, but I guess that's possible."


"What kind of magic are you learning?"


"All of it."


"I mean right now?"


"Oh. I'm working on condensing some stuff by rote, right now."


"What spells can you already do?"


"Lots? If you want a complete list it's going to have to wait for later, I don't have that notebook on me right now."


"What's your favorite one, then?"


"Ooh, that's a tough one. Favorite like which one's the most fun or favorite like which one would I keep if for some terrible reason I had to pick only one thing to do with magic forever, because they're not the same."


"The one I'd keep would be the general comprehensive healing spell--there's a bunch of those but I know which one I'm talking about, it's indexed properly, I don't have a good way to identify it to you in specific--unless you know that one? The one where the basal ritual form uses the four overlapping circles in a sort of horseshoe shape around the person being healed? Anyway it's not as good for specific ailments as some but it's the best for doing everything so if I couldn't specialize anymore I'd keep that one. The most fun one does synesthesia."

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