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He also has a rather large library on the topic! It's not in Washington, but one of the spells he knows involves setting up twinned markers in places to let you teleport between them, which is how he gets to her lessons. It's a relatively advanced spell, but he hints that she can have the full run of the library once she's reached the point of being able to get there.




Assuming of course that she can be trusted to take proper care of the old books, but once she's managed the teleport tag spell he'll have had plenty of time to evaluate her book-care skills.


Mehitabel loves books and never hurts them!


Old books have more delicate pages than she is probably used to. Better safe than sorry.


Besides, the tests involve letting her read several fragile-but-not-irreplaceable books and seeing how she does with them. It's not as though he's doing anything to impede her progress on the teleportation spell, or any other spell for that matter. Quite the opposite.


Good. Mehitabel wishes to make all of the progress.

Horace approves!

By the time he has been magic tutoring her for a few months, he is affectionately referring to her as "the little prodigy."

Mehitabel likes that term!


If she did not, he would stop! At least to her face. Probably entirely.


Then they have an understanding! And magic lessons, they have those. Frequently.


When her seventh birthday starts approaching, he asks her whether she would prefer books about magic or charming magical objects for her present.

Since she has not read literally everything in his library yet and thinks it might take her more than a year to do so, she would like magic objects!


Do they have anything in particular planned for a party, and if so should he attend or simply drop off his present and let the young persons enjoy young person things without an old fart around?

Mehitabel is planning to have a very small party with church and neighborhood friends and cake, and the friends are not all small children and he can attend if he wants!


Should he also bring his twelve-year-old granddaughter? He's been tutoring her in magic too, but on a different schedule from Mehitabel.


Mehitabel would like to meet her before inviting her to her birthday party. Mehitabel cultivates agape for all sapient beings as best she can but it is not really a fundamental of event planning.


Unfortunately his son and daughter-in-law are not as reasonable as Ms. Coscoroba about the importance of magic in comparison to conventional schoolwork, so this takes a bit of scheduling, but after some wheedling on his part she can meet her in a few days.


How exciting!

And in a few days: There is granddaughter.

"Hi, I'm Andrea. So you're grandfather's little prodigy?"

"Hi! My name's Mehitabel!"


"Hi, Mehitabel. I think I'm jealous, Grandfather says you don't have to deal with normal school and just get to work with him on magic most of the afternoon."


"I'm homeschooled! I study more than most of the second graders I know though."

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