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"Can Bonesaw and Shatterbird rapidly deafen themselves?"


"Yes. Bonesaw is more likely to use it than Shatterbird."


Sigh. "Would it be difficult or have consequences I wouldn't like if I sent you to draw them out separately one at a time?"


"They couldn't exactly stop me. If it's one at a time they might flee while I'm bringing the others."


"I meant, would you be able to avoid Bonesaw setting off whatever she has arranged and allay suspicion to prevent any inconvenient fleeing."




Ugh. "Will a Panacea clone be able to contain and counter whatever it is Bonesaw has set up if it starts?"


"Probably not. She knows you have them."

Promise was so hoping not to have to call in Protectorate backup for this crap. Would they even be able to help? Bonesaw is annoying.

"Do you have any reasonable guesses about the scope or nature of Bonesaw's contingencies beyond what you've said?"

"It's almost certainly not a plague. Jack held her back from those. Or if it is it'll burn itself out after a few transmission cycles. Whatever it is it's probably designed to hurt you personally, and do it without her intervention in case you get her name."


Ugh. "...Is anything getting relevantly worse while we have this conversation?"


"No. They'll expect me and Jack eventually, but won't get suspicious for hours."


"What did Jack have set up for me?"


"He didn't say. Said it would spoil the fun."


Promise sighs, and pulls out her phone, and calls the Protectorate office.

As soon as she mentions having gone to an arranged meeting with Jack Slash, "You're telling us this now?" But the captured Siberian and location of the others does take precedence.


"Yes, I'm telling you this now. And probably no one should approach the remaining three unless it turns out I can't handle them alone, so I don't have to worry about them hurting anyone who isn't already in harm's way. I have their names and the Siberian and optimistically might be able to sew everything up without further casualties, it would just be useful to have someone else looking for any hostages Jack may have left lying around."


"We'll do what we can."

"Thank you. If you haven't heard from me in... two hours... it's probably time to assume that something went wrong."

End call.

Promise inspects the Siberian and attempts to turn her invisible.

No luck. As far as the sorcery can tell, the space with the Siberian in it is completely empty.


"Do you think you could let me turn you invisible if you tried?"

"Depending on how your invisibility works, probably not. But I could turn myself invisible."


"...You can? What are you, omnipotent? What else can you do that I don't know about?"


"I'm immune to physics. Selectively. Gravity isn't affecting me right now, and that's because your order made me stop letting it. I can do everything from friction to the strong nuclear force."


"Is there anything else I would want to know?"

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